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Member Since 06 Oct 2018
Offline Last Active Dec 27 2022 05:29 AM

Topics I've Started

How to tan hides

01 November 2018 - 04:59 PM

Hi all,


Saw some people sometimes asking where they could tan their crafting hides.

So I wanted to make a quick guide for it.


So let's begin.


First off go to the teleport mage at ;;home.





Select skilling and click crafting guild.


Talk to 1 of the 3 master crafters and they will tan your hides.



After that just bank your tanned hides and take out the other hides you want to get tanned and repeat.




I edited the previous guide as this method is much more effecient and was suggested by people in the comments.




How to make crossbow string

01 November 2018 - 04:43 PM

Hi all,


I have seen a couple of times people ask how to make crossbow string or where to do it.

So I made a little guide for it.


So let's begin.


To make crossbow string we need raw beef first.

Head over to the teleport mage at ;;home.




Select skilling and click Crafting guild.


Right next to the crafting guild is a field with cows, kill them for raw beef.



After obtaining raw beef teleport back to ;;home and run back to the teleport mage.




Select cities, scroll down and click Seer's village.


Run a bit South-West and climb up the ladder in the second house.



After that you will find a spinnig wheel in the room, use the raw beef on the spinnig wheel.



Now for the last step, click the spinning wheel and select the third option crossbow string.



After finishing just use the crossbow string on the unfinished crossbow in your inventory.




Dragon slayer II rewards

31 October 2018 - 12:59 PM

Dragon slayer II rewards.


Hi all,


So after the completion of dragon slayer II I realised in the quest picture at the end that you get rewards for completing the quest.

These rewards are:


- The ability to craft wrath rune's.

- The ability to make super anti-fire potions.

- The ability to note dragon bones/dagannoth bones and mole skins/claws.


The last one of these rewards was for me the most interesting and looked very useful.

I looked through the forums but could not find any topic about this.

So I wanted to quickly post a little guide on where to turn on/off these perks.


So let's begin.


Head over to the teleport mage at ;;home.



Select cities, scroll down and click Myth's guild.


Enter through the barrier.



Follow a bit to the East-South until you find an npc called Ellen.



Talk to her and she will give you the options to turn on/off your perks.



- You can toggle to have dragon/dagannoth bones drop noted.

- You can toggle to have mole skins/claw drop noted.

- You can toggle to have bars dropped by dragons noted. (Only for donators)


I hope this little guide was of any use as i did not find a topic about it and was thinking that some people may not be aware of these perks after the completion of dragon slayer II.




Wrath Runecrafting Guide

29 October 2018 - 02:12 PM

Demonblood's wrath runecrafting guide!


Hi all,


Today I will guide you on how to make Wrath runes and the method that I use.
So let's begin!

First off the requirements:


- 95 Runecrafting

- Pure essence

- Anti-dragon shield/ Dragonfire shield/ Dragonfire ward/ Ancient Wyvern shield

- Dragon slayer II Completed




- Small pouch (stores 3 essence)

- Medium pouch (stores 6 essence)

- Large pouch (stores 9 essence)

- Giant pouch (stores 12 essence)


Each of these pouches can be buyed in the runecrafting store of Aubury.



The small pouch costs 40 runecrafting points.

The medium pouch costs 80 runecrafting points.

The large pouch costs 160 runecrafting points.

The giant pouch costs 240 runecrafting points.

Runecrafting points are gained by crafting runes.


Moving on to making wrath runes!


This is how your inventory should look like:


The method I use is by having my pouches in my inventory and all my pure essence noted as this makes it more quickly to un note them by using the noted stack of pure essence on a bank booth/chest.


I always fill up the small, medium and large pouch.
Then I un note my pure essence and fill up the giant pouch.

After that I un note 1 more time my pure essence to get the inventory you see here.


After setting up your inventory head over to the teleport mage at home.



Select cities, scroll down and click Myth's guild.


Once teleported pass through the barrier.



Follow south until you find a mystic statue.



Click the mystic statue and select the first option.


When in the basement just follow all the way south until you find a cave entrance.



The reason for bringing one of the shields I mentioned above is to protect yourself from dragonfire as you will come across dragons when you are running to the cave entrance.


Well done, you made it to the wrath rune altar!



After crafting your runes just repeat all the steps.


Just some quick tips before I end my guide:


- Teleport back to ;;thieve as this is close to a bank chest and you can restore your health/run energy by clicking on the surgeon lady.

- Make sure to empty your rune pouches and press the altar again as they will NOT be crafted unless they are out of the pouches.


I hope this guide was of any use, I had fun making this guide it took some time but it was all worth it.

This is my first ever guide so any feedback is always welcome. ;)


