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Daddy Danger

Member Since 15 Oct 2018
Offline Last Active Nov 17 2022 04:34 AM

#285345 Sigh, peeks...

Posted by Convulsion on 05 April 2019 - 12:14 AM

In depth analysis of Peeks recent cringe post:


Let's begin...


1.  Recent Deaths have no association to Peeks.


EX: Mhk planking for Ely = ICE


So by claiming this ICE has no association to Peeks...


So explain this:





Why is peeks Flexing ICE kill pics? 

You do realize if you have an alliance, they also represent your clan?


Anyways, they're also flexing a Multi killpic LOL. Cringe ass clan.


2. The Truth behind allying with Liths:


There have been claims of a juggernaut event happening so with knowledge that ICE / Peeks / Dynasty teaming together,


we figured it wouldn't be smart to go into it 15v50 so we took on liths as +1s. 

Imagine piping up about us taking an extra 10 +1s when your clan allies with all masser PVM ccs?



3. Ironman flex? 

I don't really understand that flex. I mean congratulations you play Alora for years to finally get max gear? 

It'd be more impressive to see the gear the CVI died to. I can guarantee you that the CVI guy probably had welfare.

4. Singles Run In.


Is peeks confident enough to Match opts 15 v 15 Singles run in with us? 

Drop the monkey comp capes?


Match Gear?


Until then, pipe down I've yet to see peeks take off their elys.


However, when you're ready

PM ed#8579


5. Combat System



Peeks is delusional if you think Alora has a proper combat system, so obviously with a few weeks under our belts we need 

to get used to the way the combat works.


We've play a lot of 07 based combat systems and this server is by far the worst, but sure pride yourself on being able to play it!  

We have a few guys that have only played a Pre-EOC server where the combat system is 100x faster than this game.

If anything I'd like to see Peeks compete in that server. 

6. PVMING out of confusion

wait... this is your leader, PVM GOD LOL.







7. Smoking that Ironman is the exact reaction we wanted. Thank you for confirming it. 




In conclusion, CVI has Peeks and their Alliance on their knees.

CVI welcomes all attempts of Spies. 

This is Alora, Peeks, not O7 where spies are actually relevant.

Feel free to continue your cringe ass posts.

CVI did this to you after just two weeks of actual active play... 

Let that sink in...



#285106 clearing tings up 8-)

Posted by Horror on 04 April 2019 - 04:20 AM

Confused men rly want 2 talk. 


Let's address every kill in their video one by one.

Fuck POGs? Random from SS.

MHK? A Recruit from ICE.



Gwatti is a Dynasty member.

Code 002 is a staff member and ironman who is friends with Peeks and not a member.


NONE of these are Peeks members. 

Let's see the true quality of CVI.

Forced into a merge with Liths a few days after joining? Check.




A Confused and shaky merge against a team that pulls 10 people? Yep.

Dying to ironmen? Double check.




Avoiding any fights against non pvm clans in single? Refusing our SRI? Check.




Admitting to not being used to fighting on an 07 based server? 
Too used to divines and chaotics? (Even those don't save them there, join Peeks public discord to see why!)


PVMing out of confusion?

Killing random naked ironmen and telling them they're "smoked"? Lol??????

Very very very awkward. :/

Join #Peeks public discord to keep up with us and PM an official or above to discuss spying.

Maybe having our memberlist will help you lads not be so confused next time.

#285088 CVI Killing Members of ICE/Peeks/Dynasty Alliance

Posted by Code 002 on 04 April 2019 - 02:42 AM

I must admit you got me fair and square. But I am curious where the first 2 minutes of spear specs and ags specs are. Now I have to get another looting bag (heck).

#285084 CVI Killing Members of ICE/Peeks/Dynasty Alliance

Posted by CYBER AIDS on 04 April 2019 - 02:13 AM

Last time I checked mhk wasn't Peeks. Last time I watched a good pk video there were more than 1 max kill, and you put a video of of killing an eim pvming while you have around 5 people there...
And if you want to make a video please put some more effort into it. It took me 5 minutes to find a free recorder and video editor that didn't give me a watermark and huge black bars.

When you guys came to the server I expected more, but all I've seen cvi do is team with liths to multi bait.

Also, did you guys really make it seem like you got banned for killing a mod for his ely? That's low, if you are going to bite do it properly by showing truth and facts. Don't just go for a quick nibble of the ankles.

#285078 CVI Killing Members of ICE/Peeks/Dynasty Alliance

Posted by Easts on 04 April 2019 - 01:57 AM

Nice kills on dynasty randoms in mystic, also why do u fake urself being banned lmfao?

#255137 Jugernaut event | PKed over 4b from #IcePeeks

Posted by CYBER AIDS on 11 January 2019 - 09:41 AM

lol.. making comments about me using fake screenshots (p.s. they werent). Now theyre using fake screenshots themselves???


And you didnt win anything in there.. the killboard is in ICEPEEKS favour and the juggernaut event was won by them? how is that a win?

#255083 Jugernaut event | PKed over 4b from #IcePeeks

Posted by Nser664 on 11 January 2019 - 05:06 AM

Very nice video didn't get much out of it since the quality was pretty laggy. But looks like you guys pked a lvl-30 minecraft enchanted rune kite from someone. Next time please take a killpic so people can actually take your goldfarming minecraft clan seriously.

Also probably a fake kill tbh

#253471 Temporary

Posted by Jaycin on 07 January 2019 - 07:17 PM


#253484 Temporary

Posted by Bladder on 07 January 2019 - 07:37 PM

Thank you for the maximus set sir. F in the chat for dynasty's best pker. thats a nice line through your name.