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Member Since 24 Oct 2018
Offline Last Active Aug 03 2023 11:19 PM

#255755 Group Iron Man

Posted by Gallywix on 12 January 2019 - 05:34 PM

Where it at though?


Credit to my boy kyle RIP

#254503 Chinning, Correct Stacking of mobs, and monkeys!

Posted by Gallywix on 10 January 2019 - 12:51 AM


What is your suggestion?: Ape Atoll Zombie Monkeys and Stackable NPCs

Is this in OSRS?: Yes

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: Not that I'm aware of

How would this benefit Alora?: I feel zombie monkeys should be added into the game for a couple of good reasons. One is that even though they don't carry any drops, they are amazing ranged XP, as well as magic XP. Second, it would open up another area for players to train to where other spots aren't as viable or reliable which makes it 100% Ironman friendly! It can be added as a slayer task that the player base would find a bit more enjoyable over a long steel dragon task. The last reason it would fix a glitched area that leads to absolutely nowhere. When I mean a glitched area, this is what happens when you try and go into the underground pass.






I 100% feel like this is wasted content that can be used efficiently to any and all players to their liking.



Another thing I wanted to mention was NPC/Mob stacking and I noticed they don't stack correctly. They kinda bunch up around each other instead of going underneath each other. I feel they should walk into each other kinda as if they DD. It would make chinchompas a lot more useful and a bit more valuable to the game as an item people actually use after their hunter grind. It would also bring another item to light, which would be the salve amulet.


I hope this post is looked at and taken into consideration.  :)

#239106 Alch / remove pets

Posted by Gallywix on 28 November 2018 - 04:25 PM

Support, pets should be alchable, if not, should at least be able to be emptied or even sold to Probita for gp or a voucher for a free insure. something like that.

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