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Member Since 07 Nov 2016
Offline Last Active Feb 16 2019 04:12 PM

#17061 Alora Newspaper 11/13/2016

Posted by Jedzio on 13 November 2016 - 07:57 PM





Hello guys, I'll be making the official Alora Newspaper. It's going to be done on a weekly basis. Right now it's just me doing it but hopefully in the future more people will join in.




Over the course of this week we have recieved alot of updates, the major ones are the following:


1) Barrelchest can now be fought, he drops Barrelchest anchor. The anchor has a special attack that is working now. You can speak to the monk at the Edgeville monastery to be teleported to him.


2) Trident of the seas has been fixed.


3) ::clearfl command added to clear your friends list.


4) Shooting stars are now available. They can land in many different locations, sometimes even in the wilderness. The first person to find the shooting star receives a large XP bonus based on their mining level.The shooting star will have a mining level requirement -- this is random, between level 18 and 90.


5) Dagannoth kings can now be fought.


6) The Donator zone recieved the folowing adittions:

Sea turtle/manta ray fishing spot

Magic trees

Rune rocks






There were also some Staff Updates this week. Those being the following:


@Badger191 was promoted to Website Developer.


@Pablo was promoted to Server Moderator.


@Jupiter was promoted to Server Moderator.


@F 8 was promoted to Server Moderator.


@Azymis was promoted to Server Support.


@Tommy was promoted to Server Support.


@Formal was promoted to Server Support.


@Luke was promoted to Server Support.




The following Events took place during this week.



Hide n Seek (Staff sponsored - NON-spawned items)


Drop party (Staff sponsored - NON-spawned items)


Hide n Seek (Staff sponsored - NON-spawned items)


Clan wars event - *Two teams will be formulated by 2 separate leaders


Mass Godwars - 4 rotations, 20 minutes each (80min. total) at each boss/dungeon


Mass Corporeal Beast 


Some Pictures of the Events:

















This week we interviewed our Community Manager @Blank . Here is the interview.


What is your favorite thing to do IRL? Do you have a hobby?

Hmm, this is a tough one. My absolute favourite thing to do in real life would just be hangimg out with my friends. I'm in a fraternity for those who didn't know, and these take up a bunch of time. At least here they do. There are days I'm just with my friends and we all don't really know how the day past by so quick just because we were messing about and doing a whole bunch of nothing. As for a hobby : does partying count? Spend most of my days doing that really. When I'm not working on school work, or on Alora I'm usually partying. 


What is it that you enjoy most of the Alora Community? Being able to see so many people enjoy the game, ye it's been a rough start. And ye last week my whole week might have only had around 20 hours of sleep (I think Omi can relate to this, probably slept even less than I did). But it's been worth it. You guys are what make it all so worth it. I know I'm strict, but it's how I prefer to run a professional server. I might be a little too strict, but I'm sure people will adapt. 


Favorite TV Show? This is a hard one. I'm a fan of House of Cards, and Game of Thrones (though I never finished either nor am I anywhere close to catching up). I'd say I'd have to give it to Suits. It's the only thing that I was able to binge watch to the end.


Where do you see yourself 5 years from now? Don't know, I'm not really a guy who thinks of the future that much. More of a live in the moment kind of guy. We'll see what the world has planned for me I guess?