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Member Since 30 Oct 2018
Offline Last Active Nov 11 2018 08:10 PM

Topics I've Started


02 November 2018 - 10:07 PM

What is your suggestion?: 

Add castlewars to alora. (add more fun/custom minigames in general) (in the future add a zombie survival minigame or something fun)

Is this in OSRS?:


Has this suggestion been accepted already?:

not been officially suggested yet

How would this benefit Alora?:

Players max their account and end up quiting or switching to ironman because there is not enough fun content. The addition of castlewars would increase player retention, in addition to attracting new players.


There is in imbalance in efficiency/grindy content and fun/hangout content.


There are not many places players have face to face interaction. Just go to home and look around... nobody is talking, nobody is hanging out, everyone is running around trying to be as efficient as possible. The server needs more areas for players to interact, such as minigames.


End game content. Many maxed players enjoy doing something with all the gear and stats theyve grinded up. One of the best ways to do that is to play a minigame. Castlewars is a great place to use all your hardwork and hangout.


Currently the only minigames are:

sand casino (no)

warriors guild (Grindfest)

puro puro (grindfest)

raids (grindfest that is just rooms of bosses tbh)

mage arena (grindfest)

barrows (pvm)

pest control (games are too fast to have any amount of fun and its a grind fest)

clan wars (cant just showup and do it. gotta wait for clans to arrange fights which never happens, and needs to be resolved at another time)

fight caves (has to be organized)