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daddy shar

Member Since 26 Nov 2018
Offline Last Active Dec 10 2018 11:15 AM

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In Topic: PVM

03 December 2018 - 11:24 AM

It's completely fine like it is right now. As people already mentioned on this post, the droprate is similar to OSRS, so it's not a problem that it's more easy. 


Why would i play an RSPS with the same or similar drop rates as OSRS? I mean Alora says it strives to be as close to OSRS as possible and yet the content is nowhere near OSRS? Even some custom RSPS have better coded OSRS bosses. The problem is that, its too easy. The easier the content, more people can do it resulting in more items coming in-game. Most of the bosses are not even coded well and have many bugs. People take advantage of them. If these "bugs" are the games mechanics, I will not waste my time playing this server anymore as I know that the owner cant code for shit. Like GWD minions don't attack you at all, really? You might as well remove them rofl


In Topic: Twisted Bow Attack Range

01 December 2018 - 01:08 PM

"Alora strives to be as close to OSRS as possible on most things."


Umm... but none of the content is nowhere near OSRS? (Not trying to be rude)


OT: Agree with post.

In Topic: PVM

01 December 2018 - 01:04 PM

Honestly don't think the difficulty of PVM needs to be touched. The way the PVM system currently works is only "Easy" if you have the expensive gear which is required to kill most bosses on Alora.  


If we made them any harder it would make a lot of setups and high-end gear become useless.



If that's the case, all of the players on Alora are really bad Pvmers


"If we made them any harder it would make a lot of setups and high-end gear become useless." This doesn't make any sense? You should require high end gear in order to complete the harder bosses, therefore, they would hold more value. Also if bosses were made harder, people would want high end gear?



Drop rates on this server are much closer to OSRS than other servers which compensates for the slightly easier PVM. No changes need to be made.

Rather have it harder and the drop rates easier than an insanely easy boss which is the same rate as OSRS. After reading this, it doesn't make sense as most of the people have said "Rsps' should be easier than OSRS." Even if the bosses are alot easier, it's stupid to have the rare drops almost the same as OSRS rates. Zulrah on OSRS requires a magic weapon, in this case, trident is the best item. This also gives trident use. On here you can just afk range Zulrah. Also, I looked at a youtube video regarding chambers of xeric and found out that range is BIS against the right claw? This doesn't make any sense and gives me the idea that the owner is too lazy to code properly.

In Topic: PVM

30 November 2018 - 11:51 AM

To be fair, TOB doesn't get a lot of traffic as is, adding harder boss mechanics to an existing boss wouldn't be too popular since a lot of people have already been grinding for the drops, leaving everyone else at a distinct disadvantage.  I get where you're coming from, wanting a more difficult experience, but honestly that's where game mode comes into play.  Unfortunately on this subject it falls into if you want difficult content do it on OSRS or play a more challenging game mode that restricts how you play.


Game modes aren't related to PVM at all. They just take a slightly longer time to get better stats lol. In the end, choosing a different mode, will still result in the same piss easy PVM. Like i said, TOB is just an example.

In Topic: PVM

30 November 2018 - 11:40 AM

I feel the difficulty is fine where it is for being an RSPS, however if you're using Lowkey's stream for an idea on difficulty just remember he's been playing a while now, and uses best-in-slot gear and methods of play.  For many players, this is unobtainable for quite a good chunk of time, and requires a lot of TOB/Raids to get that far to begin with.


I'm not talking about gear or anything, I'm talking about the mechanics of the bosses. Most of them are nowhere near as OSRS and really need to be re-worked. For a place that gives the BIS items and you can just go in and hit and run the boss is ridiculous. Verzik P3 on OSRS has cycles of different special attacks, on here it doesn't even have ONE. Same with a lot of other bosses.