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Member Since 05 Dec 2018
Offline Last Active Jul 30 2022 03:39 PM

#370348 Adding Impling.. killcount? Catchcount?

Posted by TOP FE MAN on 30 August 2020 - 01:48 AM

What is your suggestion?: My suggestion is to add a counter to imlings, at least lucky implings.


I say lucky implings because as far as im aware they are the only one hunted in search of something worth an announcement. (Ranger Boots)



Is this in OSRS?: 



Has this suggestion been accepted already?:



How would this benefit Alora?: 

I don't think this is a ground breaking game change, but I feel like it just adds that extra little (competition?) to the ironman boot grind.

I an actively on this grind, and i asked in cc "is there a way to check my impling count so far?" the response I got

was "sadly no" so i figured it was in more heads than mine. 


P.S. The only way to, kinda, do this currently would be to jar them up and open them in sets... or manually keep track.


Let me know what you guys think, good or bad your opinion is appreciated.


Thank You,

Top Fe Man


#300530 Raids Exp Clan

Posted by TOP FE MAN on 15 June 2019 - 11:21 PM

Hello Alora,


This is Top Fe Man here with a pitch to my new clan idea. So basically I want to start, and be part of, a clan that is PvM based BUT mainly focused on learning, teaching or just being a part of raids one or two. (Sorry for the massive run on.)


My idea behind this clan comes from my want to learn/ availability to be taught ratio.

Too many times do I see "looking for a +1 raids 1 must have kc" come across my screen. How are you supposed to gain a kc if no one will take the time or put the effort into teaching you about raids? Well you Join "Raids Exp" clan and join our team of Beginner and expert raiders willing to learn and teach!



The goals of this clan are pretty basic. I want a place that new comers can come at any time and learn from an experienced raider/team of raiders.

I envision a great clan of 150+ teaching and learning as a whole to better the community of Alora.


What we need-

As many know a clan can not be ran alone by a singe man. I need a number of dedicated, well respected, members of the Alora community to join me in this adventure. I myself am not the best raider in the community but I would love to Rank 10+ raiders in this clan as "mentors" to newer Alora players looking to bring their PvM play to the next level.


Please feel free to message me in game with any questions. If you are a good raider and would like to help me out in this endeavor please don't hesitate to reach out. I a not putting this together to be "the leader" I'm doing this for the genuine want to help the community, and I feel like this is a much needed clan. 


Join me in game @ "Raids Exp"   cc


Im a working man I will do what I can this trad will be updated slightly each day. Thanks for the read and any feedback positive or negative is encouraged



                                                                                                  Thank You,

                                                                                                  Top Fe Man



Start Date: 6/16/19 Sorry if clan is small bear with me while we grow to better serve you!

#298292 Special drop shout improvement

Posted by TOP FE MAN on 01 June 2019 - 06:52 PM

I think the shout outs for drops should include the monster that dropped said item.


So instead of 


[player name] received [item] as a drop! (kill#xxx)


i would suggest it to say


[player name] received [item] as a drop! *from* [monster name] (kill#xxx)


I believe this will help the community as a whole but mainly newer players. When I started I always wondered what someone killed to get say a zenyte shard. it would be a useful tool for newer players to learn what drops what.


Thanks for the read please leave feedback!


p.s. sorry if this has been suggested recently.

#296741 bandos altar

Posted by TOP FE MAN on 24 May 2019 - 10:36 PM


What is your suggestion?:

Make the Bandos altar active 


Is this in OSRS?:



Has this suggestion been accepted already?:

Not from anything I've read 


How would this benefit Alora?:

It would make Bandos feel more genuine. It would help iron men make more out of supplies grinded for. 

In general the whole alora community would gain more from each trip to gwd.


Thanks for reading please agree or disagree with any comments or concerns.