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Member Since 24 Dec 2018
Offline Last Active Jan 06 2019 10:13 PM

Topics I've Started

Player Owned Shops

31 December 2018 - 05:18 PM

I was hoping maybe we could run a poll to start Player Owned Shops.

I do enjoy the way that trading is handled in Alora but it takes quite awhile to flip and/or sell anything.

The reason for this is that the TP isn't very helpful in merching. Basically, someone needs to be looking for a specific item for the TP to work.

Now yes, I understand that there is a player search option and of course you can advertise a sale under your name, however I believe there is a better way to do this.

So I suggest a specific location in which players can open and maintain their shops. 

Also, in regards to the shops, please allow it to be AFK. This way, I can simply leave my shop open all night and hope that items sell.

I understand its close to the same thing as the TP, but it isn't.