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Member Since 29 Dec 2018
Offline Last Active Oct 25 2021 01:21 PM

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Runelite uses the same folder as OSRS Runelite

28 June 2020 - 03:50 AM

Currently I've noticed that Alora Runelite uses the same folder as OSRS Runelite which causes some issues. First of all it caused a problem with the loading screen when starting Alora Runelite which was fixed through clearing the Runelite folder in C:/Users/*name*/.runelite. On to my suggestion, make the alora version of runelite utilize another map instead of C:/Users/*name*/.runelite. For example: C:/Users/*name*/.alora_runelite or something like that, so it doesnt interfere with the "normal" Runelite anymore. Kind regards.


EDIT: After I've been logged in for a while today I've noticed a lot of people have the same problem that Runelite is stuck in a permanent loading screen.