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Member Since 07 Nov 2016
Offline Last Active Jun 03 2023 06:32 AM

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In Topic: pure pking

11 December 2016 - 09:44 PM

I didn't think of this, support.


There's also a lot of mains who use mystic and you still don't get PKP. I'm not sure how much it requires currently but it's set too high.

In Topic: GTFO Not Welcomed

10 December 2016 - 11:19 AM

On the scale 1-10 how much would you surprised if I told you that "Spam" section posts don't count towards your postcount?

Chill out, fam. Take it easy. Don't need to be mad about the postcount. I love spending my time on forums. And you shouldn't care. This thread will be deleted anyway haha rip :)

It's in spam now, It wasn't originally since you said it was in suggestions. I don't care if you like spending time on forums I enjoy forums too. But you posting a comment like that when it has nothing to do with the topic. Shows you just do it for post.

In Topic: GTFO Not Welcomed

10 December 2016 - 11:14 AM

Lmfao, thanks captain Obvious, I did that intentionally. It was obviously meant to be a prank. -.-

This thread is apparently "game suggestion", while the guy is giving his "feedback", and it's also in "Spam" section.

I made that comment, to express my irony on this post. This is obviously not a game suggestion, rofl.

Idk the purpose of this thread, other than flame the person. This won't do much, since there is no proof of it to get the potential "scammer" banned. So it's pointless, that's why it's in spam.


Anyway, I'm a #1 poster because I'm cool like that ty


A prank, lmfao. Just another post count for you. I don't even know why I'm replying because it just gives you another post because there's no chance in hell that you won't reply just for that extra post.

In Topic: GTFO Not Welcomed

10 December 2016 - 11:05 AM


Very active, helpful, dedicated

Would be a great addition ingame
Good luck


Hmm, I take it you just opened and pasted that in as what you said has nothing to do with what this topic is about, you're making it clear why you're the #1 poster though >.>


On topic:


Get that faggot off here. He scams all day and admits to it in his videos, yet people still trust him and pay him to advertise their server.

In Topic: Ban Wave

10 December 2016 - 05:50 AM

Actual bots already, fml. You know a server is good when people are making bots for it.