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Another Otto

Member Since 07 Jan 2019
Offline Last Active Jan 25 2019 06:14 AM

#252078 Tried my luck at duel arena

Posted by Blue Jay on 04 January 2019 - 10:20 PM


#259820 January 2019 MOTM (Poll)

Posted by Extremedanny on 22 January 2019 - 08:19 AM

Comping a hardcore is enough to get my vote.

#259589 Muffin Top's HCIM Progress

Posted by Dylain on 21 January 2019 - 05:53 PM

Pretty decent gains for only 24 hours play-time.

Just don't die to a Banshee like Another Otto and you'll be good.

#258475 It has been completed...

Posted by Dylain on 19 January 2019 - 02:06 PM

The meme dies today, because would you like to know why?







After a long, tiring/exhausting 6-9 months of on and off Cerberus, I have finally achieved the Hellpuppy pet at 5,122 KC! It's a funny story, because yesterday I logged in for a quick 5 minutes whilst I was waiting for my partner to finish her shower, and what do you know I get the pet :D can't complain at all. 


I'm a bit lost now, as to what I should do. I'm intersted in carrying on with the pet hunt, I'm just not too sure which pet to grind. If you have any suggestions please do not hesitate to leave your comments down below. Any boss based around range or melee would be preferred.


A few shout-outs...


@Draisaitl Even though it's been a while, the trolls come to an end. No more spawning Hellpupps beneath me :P

@Extremedanny I was quite certain I'd get it before your 8,000 KC and I guess I was right xD

@Shirts off I won the race! Good luck still competing/unlocking all of Raid 1 items

@Black Mask 3 for the Scythe lends

@Eim 40a If it wasn't for you, I would've never convinced myself to grind for the pet, cheers for putting me in the right direction from when all this begun

@Detharrow26 thanks for the competition as to who would receive the pet first. I won so I'll be expecting your 50 bitcoin donation today. ;)

@Omicron for making me go over the given pet rate. <3 also in future would be nice to have Cerberus spawn as he does in OSRS. Just a little thought.


Thanks for stopping by!

#258956 [January] Community Awards

Posted by Dylain on 20 January 2019 - 01:03 PM



Best Event Manager:

@Hellish & king purple


Best Administrator:



Best Global Moderator:

@Mack & @Paine


Best Forum Moderator:



Best Server Moderator:



Best Server Support:

@Elite Sheets


Most active on Discord:



Most active In-game:



Most active on Forums:

@Immortal Fox


Most Respected:



Most Potential Promotion:



Funniest Staff Member:

@Code 002


Overall Best Staff Member:





Most Active In-game:



Most Active on Forums:



Most Active on Discord:



Most Active Overall:

@TMNT Aritus / iron aritus


Most Wealthy:



Most Addicted to Gambling:


Most Friendly:



Most Respected:



Coolest Veteran: 

@Monaco & @Extremedanny


Best Helper:



Best Edgeville Pker:

@Black Mask 3


Best Hybrid:



Best NH Pker:



Best PvMer:



Best Raider:

@Shirts off


Best Skiller:



Best Clan:



Best Ironman:

@ Fine China & @iron domdof


Best Hardcore Ironman:

@Fe Network or @Another Otto


Best Ultimate Ironman:



Best Elite Ironman:

@EIM 1gp


Best Group ironman (Team):



Best Classic Player:



Best GFX Designer:

@Isaac & @DB Aspect


Best Youtuber:



Best Streamer:

@Moral truth


Top Overall: @Draisaitl

#255304 Morgen's Lizardman Shamans Guide

Posted by Morgen on 11 January 2019 - 05:34 PM

Welcome to Lizardman Shamans guide.
1. What are Lizardman Shamans?
2. What loot do I get for killing them?
3. What gear do I need to take?
4. How do I get to Lizardman Shamans?
5. What to pray/how to kill them.
What are Lizardman Shamans?
What loot do I get for killing them?
What gear do I need to take?
How do I get to Lizardman Shamans?
What to pray/how to kill them.
That is all to my Lizardman Shamans guide
thanks for reading :)
- Morgen

#258306 ICE [Ironman/Classic/Elite] PVM/PVP/SKILLING

Posted by Hellish Main on 19 January 2019 - 12:21 AM


Account Name (IGN) - Snakelings
Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Casper#7577
What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Banana 
When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) - Month ago
What rank are you applying for? - Corporal
What are your strengths? - I find that I help a lot of people in the CC when I am around as well as carry a lot of conversations :)
What are your weaknesses? - Hunter >_>
In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - I believe that I deserve the rank that I am applying for in short because I help whenever and where I can. I have helped plenty get their void as well as help throughout the CC. I'm funny as well so what could go wrong with that ;)



Your Application has been accepted and you have been Promoted to Corporal.



Account Name (IGN) - Another Otto

Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Otto#0451

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Recruit

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) - January 4th I believe.

What rank are you applying for? - Corporal.

What are your strengths? - Knowledge of the game. Understanding each game mode. A positive, can do attitude which I believe others can feed off.

What are your weaknesses? - Perhaps not a weakness but I’m not as active as others. I’m still on most days for a few hours. In my initial app I had written that I feel I’m rather shy at times. I think I’ve been far from that since joining the clan!

In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - When I get myself hooked on something I fully back it 100%. Really enjoying my time in the clan. I feel the advertising I’ve done for the clan since I’ve ioined has certainly helped get some new players into the clan chat. I don’t just leave it there though, I’ve spent lots time helping players. When her that is answering their questions or showing them where something is ingame.

Many thanks for reading :)


Your Application has been accepted and you have been Promoted to Corporal.

#257908 please add new seeds

Posted by Chuckoramma1 on 18 January 2019 - 12:59 AM

i believe this will come with time and farming guild soon 

#251508 Blue Jay FREE Signature Store!

Posted by Blue Jay on 03 January 2019 - 07:49 PM



There have been so many instances in the few days i've been here when someone has just done or said something nice just as a gesture, I've decided to hopefully give back and also add to this community, that in my opinion is the best i've ever seen on a private server in years.

That's why i've decided to open a FREE signature store, this store will be exclusive to signatures only, and will run parallel to my graphics store, if you're after something a little bit more sophisticated, you may look there!



How to order:


All you need to do is fill out the following template, and post it as a comment to this thread, i will complete the signatures in chronological order as comments/orders are posted. I may also showcase some in the 'show off' section :P


Desired text (name):


Theme (if applicable):



This store is a FREE store,  although if you feel like you'd like to make a donation or leave a tip, you can find me in game @ Blue Jay, but do not feel inclined to do so, you will still get your free signature regardless  :)



Here are some examples of what i mean by 2D/3D:











Thank you and i hope i'm able to make a positive contribution to this thriving server.


#256734 Group Ironman Competition Information

Posted by Fiji on 14 January 2019 - 10:07 PM


#256116 Group Ironman Competition Information

Posted by Ghorrock on 13 January 2019 - 03:23 PM

Ancient Autists first to complete 1500 total.

