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Member Since 11 Jan 2019
Offline Last Active Sep 09 2021 11:51 PM

#255974 CaveManMode - Finally a better wep than obby maul

Posted by CaveManMode on 13 January 2019 - 05:16 AM

Continued with some waterfiends but ran out of bonus xp so went to abby demons:




After that i finished the whip "grind" i ended the task. these are my current stats:




And was lucky to get this task :) 




This will prolly take me all the way to cerb :D! I wonder if i can reachj 95 or what it is for the future hydra boss. Dont know if it will get on here for a long while, but wont cry if i managed to get the reqs before getting the bad task.

#255207 CaveManMode - revs

Posted by CaveManMode on 11 January 2019 - 01:16 PM

I have been very lucky with my tasks after first being rock slugs, i wonder how far i can get:





I try to get as much xp as possible from kalphites, while being scared of getting a non-cave task. So i decided to kill the highest level kalph. But a mithril long that i had by then was not enough, so I went to revs to try my luck. And went pretty well :) 




Since the edge dungeon slayer guy does not allow me to talk/trade/open rewards, i will use the slayer shop above ground to buy myself a slayer staff for the enchantment.


These are my stats atm:



(If someone complains about me having bonus xp, there is a vote both in tzhaar, great news)

#255101 CaveManMode

Posted by CaveManMode on 11 January 2019 - 06:46 AM

Hi, I have decided to try to make an account that is only allowed to do things that happens in a cave/dungeon. My end goal is to get a infernal cape and do some raids. 


I have atm just started killing some random stuff to get some xp so I can start kill some monsters that actually drops something i can use as weapon. I was lucky (?) to get rockslugs as slayertask. I am not allowed to skip tasks or obviously complete tasks above ground. So lets see how far ill get. I am not sure yet on what donor rank ill get, ill take some time to think about whats worth it or not. Here are 2 starting pics:

9xs5pVG.png WC97Urk.png

