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Member Since 16 Jan 2019
Offline Last Active Apr 29 2021 11:30 AM

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Blz3fgt's Introduction

05 February 2019 - 01:13 PM

Hello my fellow Alora community! I'm Blz3fgt, my given name is Sten and I'm from Estonia (23 years old...kinda old imo xd). So, how did I find Alora RSPS? Well one day I was bored as hell so I scrolled Facebook and found a sponsored post direct to your private server. I have always been curios about many private servers so i thought i should download and try it. Surprisingly I started to like it and was pretty sure about spending some of my free time here due to its collective and opportunities. I started playing original Runescape approximately in 2005 if I'm right, anyhow i nolifed it LoL.


About my personal life:


I graduated high school in 2015 and went to college. Unfortunately I left college because I didn't like the speciality.

So after leaving college I had to forcibly go to the military service (Military service is required in Estonia for 11 months of your life if you are a male). But now I am a workman working at a warehouse for "Tallink AS Grupp". Pretty known company here in Estonia...Some of you guys should know it if you live in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Lithuania or Latvia.


So this was a short introduction about myself.


Glad to see you all here.


Your sincerely,

