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My Fe Man

Member Since 11 Feb 2019
Offline Last Active Dec 22 2020 07:03 AM

Topics I've Started

Crafting molten glass and Sandstone grinder

15 March 2019 - 10:20 AM

Currently available crafting methods are bad, especially for ironmen. So i thought there should be a way to make molten glass and unpowered orbs etc from it. 

Here are wiki links about those items:

Molten glass

Bucket of sand

Soda ash


And i also would like to see sandstone grinder here. It got added to OSRS on 14th of March.

From devblog:


Sandstone to Sand 
Drew and his Sandstone Grinder have been added to the West of the Granite Quarry. Drew can store up to 25,000 noted buckets. Players may take unnoted Sandstone to the grinder to generate up to 25,000 sand charges. Each size of sandstone brick from 10KG down to 1KG used to charge the grinder will provide 8/4/2/1 sand charges. Players can then claim noted buckets of sand from Drew at a cost of 50 GP, 1 sand charge and 1 stored bucket. 



Make pickaxes more accesible for ironmen

01 March 2019 - 09:29 AM

Make ironmen be able to buy pickaxes from Bob. Or just like in OSRS, add npc called Nurmof who is located at Dwarven Mine, and he sells pickaxes up to runite. To be honest mining is kinda dead content for ironmen until they are enough high combat to obtain pickaxes from bosses.

Few suggestions

28 February 2019 - 02:32 PM

1. Using shift + mouse click on item should get whole stack out of the bank. Would be really useful when cleaning out the bank from junk.

2. I don't believe this is going to get added but presets. You will be able to set presets on bank and then use them to get exact layout of items out of the bank automatically. Would be nice for pkers and pvmers. Just a quick bank trip and back to the action. :) Although it would make herblore etc alot faster.

3. Make pathfinding better! It's honestly really annoying when i click on something far away and this click just doesn't seem to do anything.

4. Add "Check-steps" feature on clue.

5. There's a bug regarding clues which makes a life of hardcores alot easier. It makes them able to skip wildy steps.

You must have 2 clue scrolls. The clue's step you want to do must be on the top left corner in inventory and the other clue must be next to it on the right(or the other way around, i don't remember anymore). So you will be doing this step for two times and here you go. Both have new steps.


Edit: Added picture for explaining 5th point better. Or the positioning is other way around, don't remember which way they were in my inventory.


Regarding mining and ::dz

19 February 2019 - 07:26 AM

Make it so that everyone has their own ores at ::dz. For example if other person's ore runs out then mine doesn't. Kinda like another instance. If atleast 2 people are mining gold ores then it's quite frustrating.


Also if im mining or fishing and drop something. Then it shouldn't stop doing that activity.