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Alora Elites

Member Since 25 Feb 2019
Offline Last Active Mar 01 2019 09:11 PM

Topics I've Started

Alora Elitist

25 February 2019 - 12:25 PM

Alora Elitist is searching for the best of the best Alora players to join together and share their knowledge with other like minded people.


There are a few goals I'd like to accomplish with our new found and growing "family". Supporting each others' goals and accomplishments, being helpful towards each other and to the community.


We are looking for people with the following requirements met:

15+ days played time on any account 

Having above average knowledge with the game

Being respectful and helpful towards other people



Template for applying for us:

Ingame name(s) you are applying for:

Game mode for account(s) you're applying for:

Screenshot of your time played:

What can you offer to our clan if you were to be accepted:





*We do have a Discord, pm me or any other Star+ rank ingame or on the forums for an invite if you would like one.*