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Member Since 10 Apr 2019
Offline Last Active Apr 15 2019 09:26 PM

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Looking for Partner- Aussie

10 April 2019 - 05:19 AM

In-game name: Bloodrider

Timezone:  ACST (Adelaide)

Discord: Gingerking #9934


Hey guys / gals,


Im looking for a group ironman sqaud i am really keen on the thought of playing something really different to normal ironman modes ive had 2 hardcores on osrs that died due to lag one at 1700 total and one at 1900 total both i still play on to this day i started alora maybe 4 weeks ago and fell in love, i have a solo Eim and a Normie but i was looking for that next step the hole that need to be filled to do something as a team. I am a well versed skiller and from what i hear they are a dime a dozen so i have that going for me i also love slayer its my favorite skill by far! 


so please take me into consideration..