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Ext Rovert

Member Since 21 Apr 2019
Offline Last Active Feb 21 2022 10:48 PM

#300811 World Boss Massacre clan killcount

Posted by Ext Rovert on 17 June 2019 - 08:38 AM

So, the basic idea is that each clanchat would have its own respective kc; for each monster killed by a specific clan's member, that clan would gain a killcount.


im still trying to figure out the fine lines inbetween everything as well, so if people want to build on, or speculate on this topic, id be more than willing to consider

Say for example, for each different boss (npc) there would be a specific number of bosses spawned


Example: 100x Zulrah spawned



Ice: 14

Alora: 18

Dynasty: 68 #Dynasty


After the last zulrah is killed, then an announcement - yellow text in pm area - would announce the kc leader of the event

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#300803 World Boss Massacre clan killcount

Posted by Ext Rovert on 17 June 2019 - 07:49 AM

As the title suggests, i think it would be an innovative idea to incorporate a killcounter for each cc, specific to the world boss massacre event.


This is a custom event so no, its not in osrs.


i dont believe this has been suggested before.


this would be benefitial to alora in a multitude of ways; specifically adding a chance for prizes/tournaments, as well as competitiveness @The event; Alot of players have expressed that they feel as though the event is suited towards "maxed normal accounts with tbows"


Adding a killcount for each CLAN would be interesting, seeing as it would initiate the punctuality of clan members for events, and allows for certain titles to be held.





TLDR: the premise is basically a pvming "highscores" for clans


This is just an idea, and is subject to change.



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