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Member Since 11 May 2019
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#296479 Detailed PK suggestions.

Posted by Primul on 23 May 2019 - 09:29 PM

Yeah I like the majority of this, it's always going to be hard balancing pkp and it's value when there is such spikes in all the commonly traded items available from the pkp shop (the only shit worth buying). To me it seems to be caused by being forced to use your pkp on certain items because they're simply 10-20% more efficient to use your pkp on, it does effect the overall economy. So when pegasians are the thing to buy from pkp shop it just ends up crashing pegasians in TP until it crashes the value enough it's no longer the best bet in using your pkp.

This is the main reason i'm suggesting a PKP shop rework and removing all common pvm items from the shop, It should also help a lot to reduce item crashing while also giving pkers a larger variety of items to buy.

#296475 Detailed PK suggestions.

Posted by Primul on 23 May 2019 - 09:14 PM

(Sorry for not following the template, this is a big suggestion so i dont think the template will work for it.)


PK Raffle:


This idea is simple and i've seen it work on multiple other servers. Each kill you get, you get a raffle "ticket" (Not a physical item). When the "pot" fills up to x amount of tickets e.g. 1000 tickets, 5 winners are rolled and they get prizes. (These prizes would be good since 1000 kills is a lot on alora and only 5 winners.) This system rewards the better and more active pkers since they obviously get more tickets however people that just have a couple of kills still have a chance of winning.


Proper PK Shop Rework (Normie shop ONLY)


Currently the PKP Shop is way too overpriced (For example, A torture is around 40M in TP on a good day. It's 7500pkp. You get on average 100-150PKP per kill for just pking at edge or being on a low killstreak. ~60-70 average kills for 40M is not good.) It also has a lot of PVM items in there which makes not much sense. My suggestion is to rework this shop so it's mainly PK items with perhaps a few cosmetics (e.g. the hats that are in there right now) along with things used mainly in the wilderness. My suggestions are (There are obviously not final and I would love people to suggest more or comment on anything they think i am wrong about) :


- PvP Boxes (High amount of pkp.)

- Dharok Armor sets.

- Super combat potions and anglerfish. (There is very rarely cooked anglerfish in the TP. I am not suggesting these to be cheap or become worthless but very    often there is simply NO anglerfish in the TP. People pking do not want to go and have to cook anglerfish.)

- Looting bag and rune pouch

- Royal seed pod, Bounty teleport scroll, Ancient mace

- Common untradeables that people are too lazy to get when making alts (This is good for pkers and will help hold value of tier 10 emblems.) e.g. Dragon          defender, Fire cape. 

- Staff of Light, Ballista, Dragon crossbow, Blessed spirit shield. (These are all very commonly used in PKing however they are from much less common              monsters/bosses and so i think it would be beneficial to have them in the PK shop.)

- Dragon bolts (vorkath bolts), specifically Opal dragon bolts and dragonstone dragon bolts, and dragon javelins (Again, Super commonly used in PVP                however they come into the game much less.



I realise many of these are already in the PKP shop however I am suggesting a full re-work and so I thought i should include the things that should stay in the shop.


Chance of PKP item per kill:


*Please note that this would not be a good suggestion if the PKP shop does not get reworked since there is too many "good" items in the PKP shop right now.)


Pretty simple and self explanatory. Whenever you get a kill, there is x chance (e.g. 10%) that you get an item from the PKP shop as bonus loot, similarly to how getting bloody keys in your loot works. Obviously the better items would have less chance of being dropped in this and the worse/cheaper items would have higher chance. Many may think this will be OP and super good money however with the pkp shop rework there will only be 2 or 3 items worth over more than 10M and the large majority of items are not worth much at all or simply untradeable. This will result in every 10 kills on average, someone making an average of an extra 5M which overall is not actually a huge increase, Just something extra. This suggestion along with the PKP shop suggestion would be very good for edgeville pking since at the moment there is no incentive at all to go pking with veng or at edgeville in general. This is a huge problem since one of the first things pkers check when they join the server is edgeville. If they saw people actively pking at edgeville due to it actually being profitable, it would help the server a lot in my opinion.



If there is anything in this suggestion that you do not agree with or you think could be improved, Please comment and give your general opinion of it.


Sorry for the essay you just read.




#295968 24Hour Livestream Live now.

Posted by Primul on 21 May 2019 - 02:43 PM




I pk mens

come come


Edit: Shit romania internet due to storm stopped my stream gg

#295966 [May] Community Awards

Posted by Primul on 21 May 2019 - 02:26 PM

Best Event Manager: 23


Best Administrator: Josh


Best Global Moderator: Paine


Best Forum Moderator: Loo


Best Server Moderator:


Best Server Support: 


Most active on Discord:


Most active In-game: 23


Most active on Forums: 


Most Respected: Unicorn


Most Potential Promotion: Paine


Funniest Staff Member: Hairline


Overall Best Staff Member: 23






Most Active In-game: Pkdealer


Most Active on Forums: 


Most Active on Discord:


Most Active Overall: 


Most Wealthy:


Most Addicted to Gambling: 


Most Friendly: Ragragrag46


Most Respected: Ragragrag46


Coolest Veteran:  Horror


Best Helper: 


Best Edgeville Pker: Dodgemelol


Best Hybrid: Easts


Best NH Pker: Ragragrag46


Best PvMer: Ragragrag46


Best Raider: Ragragrag46


Best Skiller: Jonttu420


Best Clan: Lads.


Best Ironman: vuk


Best Hardcore Ironman: Deadcat22


Best Ultimate Ironman: 


Best Elite Ironman: EIM Trump


Best Group ironman (Team): Hairline loc (Fuck u for kicking me tho)


Best Group Ironman (Player):  Two


Best Classic Player: Classic Trump


Best GFX Designer: DB Aspek


Best Youtuber: Skill 99


Best Streamer: Hairline


Top Overall: Take Notes

#294266 King Purple

Posted by Primul on 13 May 2019 - 11:34 AM

Imagine being as cool as Paulo AND having a massive cock jfc the dream life

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