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iron swords

Member Since 29 May 2019
Offline Last Active Jun 09 2019 11:20 AM

Topics I've Started

Please add these simple suggestions...

04 June 2019 - 03:50 PM

1. Map is 100% required ! I mean who runs around with no maps? (Yes I know alot of you are maxed out in runescape and will argue that you know everywhere in this game, but i mean a rsps is way cleaner with a world map)

2. Why can't GIM pickup bloody key?!?? I mean, it may be reasonable that they can't pick it up if I knew why, but why would we have it as a drop to show up and can't pick it up? (Either let us pick it up, or dont put it in our drop table)

3. Instead of having to pay 250 tickets to get rid of a GIM member, make it where you can only kick people once a week? or once every 2-3 days? (This way its not focused for the server to be making 25$ for no good reason, but instead, for the game content to be good and reasonable) (((My team is stuck with a 5th ironman that didn't login for a long time... never helped, and one day may login and ruin it for us))) 


4. Claiming a vote 12 hours late will have you fall behind a vote... so you can only claim vote books once every 12 hours. ((I voted twice in 24 hours but it won't let me claim one of my books because it's 12 hours late??? Yes, I am late to claim it... but it's not fair to fall behind a vote claim if I didn't get the time to claim the vote I did... (((THIS WILL CAUSE PLAYERS TO SKIP A VOTE ON PURPOSE TO ONLY CLAIM THEIR LATE VOTE BOOK WHEN IT HAPPENS SO ITS NOT CONVENIENT FOR THE SERVER)))