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Its Wii

Member Since 29 Jun 2019
Offline Last Active Nov 01 2023 05:57 PM

#343231 [March] Community Awards

Posted by Vuqe on 20 March 2020 - 04:13 AM




Best Event Manager: @IM Moe


Best Administrator: @Hellish


Best Global Moderator: @Paine


Best Forum Moderator: yes


Best Server Moderator: @Eim Zarox Sike @Adex


Best Server Support: @Miya dad <3


Most active on Discord: @Paine


Most active In-game: @Adex


Most active on Forums: 


Most Respected: @God


Most Potential Promotion: @Miya


Funniest Staff Member: @Lowkey :BaldRage: 


Overall Best Staff Member: @Hellish






Most Active In-game: 


Most Active on Forums: @Scuffed EIM


Most Active on Discord: 


Most Active Overall: 


Most Wealthy: @Blackpoiint the scammer


Most Addicted to Gambling: 


Most Friendly: @Miya


Most Respected: 


Coolest Veteran: @Steel Nogan


Best Helper: 


Best Edgeville Pker: @Scuffed EIM


Best Hybrid: @Scuffed EIM


Best NH Pker: @Scuffed EIM


Best PvMer: 


Best Raider: @IM


Best Skiller: 


Best Clan: ®ice


Best Ironman: @IM


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Adex


Best Ultimate Ironman: 


Best Elite Ironman: @Eim Zarox Sike @7


Best Group ironman (Team): Hairline loc


Best Group Ironman (Player): 


Best Realism Player: @Real jade


Best Classic Player: @Not a Nerd


Best GFX Designer: 


Best Youtuber:


Best Streamer:


Top Overall: @Its Wii

#338872 [February] Community Awards

Posted by Extremedanny on 24 February 2020 - 11:35 AM




Best Event Manager: @KP


Best Administrator: @GIM Hellish


Best Global Moderator: To many


Best Forum Moderator: 


Best Server Moderator: @Adex


Best Server Support: 


Most active on Discord:


Most active In-game: @Adex


Most active on Forums:


Most Respected: @Adex


Most Potential Promotion: @Adex


Funniest Staff Member: @Lowkey


Overall Best Staff Member: @Adex






Most Active In-game: @Joey


Most Active on Forums: 


Most Active on Discord:


Most Active Overall: @Joey


Most Wealthy: @Arrow


Most Addicted to Gambling: @Migu


Most Friendly: @Noobair


Most Respected: @Noobair


Coolest Veteran: @Joey


Best Helper: 


Best Edgeville Pker:


Best Hybrid:


Best NH Pker:


Best PvMer: @Detharrow26


Best Raider: @Adex


Best Skiller: @Noobair


Best Clan: ICE


Best Ironman: @IM


Best Hardcore Ironman: @HC


Best Ultimate Ironman: @Sassafras


Best Elite Ironman: @Noobair


Best Group ironman (Team): BDB


Best Group Ironman (Player): @Konar


Best Realism Player: @Its Wii


Best Classic Player: @Arkz!


Best GFX Designer: @RFD


Best Youtuber: @elite yin


Best Streamer: @elite yin


Top Overall: @Noobair

#328525 3 years of Alora. (My resignation)

Posted by Paine on 26 December 2019 - 12:01 PM

You were the inspiration and the positive factor in the team. I believe that the gap you've created by resigning will be unfillable and I hope that Omicorn has something good for Alora in store. You were a great friend to me and I will still message you from time to time to annoy you. Love you baldy.

#328106 [December] Community Awards

Posted by Sheets on 23 December 2019 - 01:31 PM




Best Event Manager:


Best Administrator: @Moe


Best Global Moderator: @Sycamore


Best Forum Moderator: Jisoo


Best Server Moderator: Fiji Drip


Best Server Support: @Curaga


Most active on Discord: 22


Most active In-game: 22


Most active on Forums: 22


Most Respected: Lowkey


Most Potential Promotion: Laardii


Funniest Staff Member: Lowkey


Overall Best Staff Member: Fiji Drip






Most Active In-game: @hc


Most Active on Forums: 


Most Active on Discord: 


Most Active Overall: @hc


Most Wealthy: 


Most Addicted to Gambling:


Most Friendly: @Not Tauri


Most Respected: Mack


Coolest Veteran: Hellish


Best Helper: Not Gfx


Best Edgeville Pker: KP


Best Hybrid: 


Best NH Pker: Ragragrag46


Best PvMer: Draisaitl


Best Raider: Draisaitl


Best Skiller: Noobair


Best Clan: #ICE


Best Ironman: IM


Best Hardcore Ironman: HC


Best Ultimate Ironman: @C4


Best Elite Ironman: @Noobair


Best Group ironman (Team): Big dick boys


Best Group Ironman (Player): @Not tauri


Best Realism Player: @Its Wii


Best Classic Player:


Best GFX Designer: DB Aspect


Best Youtuber: Elite Yin


Best Streamer: Lowkey


Top Overall: @hc

#323788 My Resignation

Posted by Mack on 30 November 2019 - 10:50 AM

Hello all,
Today marks the end of the road for me on Alora. It’s been a fun journey for the most part and I’ve met some amazing people from around the world that I consider good friends. Without them and the community, my time here wouldn’t have lasted nearly as long or been nearly as enjoyable. I’ll shout-out some of them here, but I couldn’t possibly list everyone.
With that being said, I simply don’t have the time, energy or motivation to continue holding my position. I have other obligations that require the majority of my time. 
To the staff members I’ve worked with, there’s no doubt in my mind that some of the staff teams during our “era” were the best on any RSPS. It’s been a pleasure getting to know you and working alongside you all. 
Lowkey - You may be bald and senile but you’ve always kept things fun for the staff team and the community. Dan is lucky to have you. You are truly our Community Dad.
Josh / God - Before I was on the team I thought you were an ass. I was correct but you are also one of the smartest people I’ve met here and a great mentor. I hope we never stop arguing, I enjoy the challenge.
KP - You’re one of the nicest guys I have ever met and so good with people. I hope you find a way to bring this into your everyday life and find yourself and your happiness again.
Draisaitl - Despite you muting me every day for the first month I was on the team, we’ve become good friends. You were another mentor to me, alongside Josh, and helped me excel as I climbed the ranks.
Code 002 - One of my last #RR brothers, we started this journey together and it's been a blast growing from server support to admins. The number of times we’ve said or thought the same thing at the same time is disturbing. Perhaps our dads got lost at the same store.
Kharyrll - I will miss flaming people and harassing Jay with you. It's been nice having someone that sees things the same way that I do.
Mhc - I consider you my apprentice. I hope you continue to fight the good fight against some of the saddest people in existence.
Smiv - You are one of my staff baes, alongside Alex. We started this journey together and I hope we stay in touch. Do us all a favor and stay away from the Ancestral and avoid Hardcore Ironmen.
Doofy - We've been friends for quite some time now, maybe someday I'll agree to meet-up for a pizza date.
Hellish / C4 - I hope we’re still on for that physical I scheduled next Thursday.
Paine - I’ll give you your message on voice.
Omicron and Chad - It’s been a pleasure, I hope someone else continues to annoy you on the daily as I did. 
P.S. Fix Raids, TOB and Achievement Diaries.
Until next time,

#323052 Theatre of Blood (QOL)

Posted by Mafiabae on 26 November 2019 - 01:49 PM

What is your suggestion?: 


Suggestion 1: This is more of a bug than a suggestion but when clicking on the doors it doesn't let you enter and stops your movement if yourcamera angle is incorrect or if you click the door to early.



Suggestion 2: Being able to bank the Salve amulet both the enchanted and imbued version.



Suggestion 3: Maiden sometimes hits you immediately when starting Phase 1, maybe change it to wait for a few seconds before she hits so you don't take unnecessary damage.


Is this in OSRS?:




Has this suggestion been accepted already?:


Not that i could find.



How would this benefit Alora?:


Those who grind Theatre of Blood would not get annoyed at the doors, and the rest is for having a better experience in Theatre of Blood.



Thanks for reading, please tell me what you guys think.

#322923 Zalcano Nerf or Drop Buff For Solo Fights

Posted by Roshi on 25 November 2019 - 06:54 PM

Soloing Zalcano is a legnthy and tediously boring minigame to solo given nobody ever seems to be doing it in groups






.Nerf Zalcano health from 1k to 500 to make the fight less tiresome


.Buff Player Damage ouput


.Increase Zalcano downtime allowing player to get more hits in


.Increase amount of shard drops to like 10+ (still have to kill it 10+ times to get any crystal piece but atleast youre not spending the rest of your life their gettting 2-5 shards a kill)

#322930 Its Wii - New Signature!

Posted by RFD on 25 November 2019 - 08:18 PM

What do you guys think?  :D



#322360 Real Try - Weekly Update #16 (Realism Skiller)

Posted by No CBs on 23 November 2019 - 09:27 AM

Hello guys. We've hit the 4 month mark! I am grateful for all of you who has gone on this journey with me! Many more months to come! <3


See last weeks update -> Click Here






Total XP




Bank Worth




Time Played







#322658 [November] Community Awards

Posted by Vuqe on 24 November 2019 - 09:39 AM



Best Event Manager: 

Best Administrator:

Best Global Moderator: @Mhc

Best Forum Moderator: @Laardii

Best Server Moderator: @CreamySky73

Best Server Support: @Fiji Drip

Most active on Discord: 

Most active In-game: 

Most active on Forums: 

Most Respected: @Omicron

Most Potential Promotion: @CreamySky73

Funniest Staff Member: @Lowkey :BaldRage:

Overall Best Staff Member: @CreamySky73






Most Active In-game: 

Most Active on Forums:

Most Active on Discord:

Most Active Overall:

Most Wealthy:

Most Addicted to Gambling:

Most Friendly: @Its Wii

Most Respected: @Its Wii

Coolest Veteran: @Scuffed EIM 

Best Helper: 

Best Edgeville Pker:

Best Hybrid: 

Best NH Pker: @King Ugly

Best PvMer: 

Best Raider: @King Ugly

Best Skiller: 

Best Clan: ice

Best Ironman: @IM

Best Hardcore Ironman: @CreamySky73 i mean @e dm

Best Ultimate Ironman:

Best Elite Ironman: 

Best Group ironman (Team): hairline loc

Best Group Ironman (Player): @King Ugly

Best Realism Player: @Its Wii

Best Classic Player: @Pira

Best GFX Designer: 

Best Youtuber:

Best Streamer:

Top Overall: @King Ugly

#322088 My Resignation

Posted by KP on 21 November 2019 - 04:46 PM

Hello Dads,
As you may have noticed, my time on Alora has come to an end (for now, atleast).
When I started playing the game, my mental health state was at an all time low. I was feeling lost, depressed.. I removed all of my friends from my life and it was as lonely as it gets.
This game allowed me to rebuild myself. My confidence, my smile, everything that's positive was coming back as I played it and enjoyed every single day of it. I met some of the most incredible human beings here, and just because I am no longer a staff member does not mean we need to stop talking.
There is no tinfoil bullshit reason as to why I am leaving, I am not upset with anyone but myself. I am at one of my lowest points when it comes to my mental health state, and I need to find myself again. I need to try new things, entertain myself and find my smile once again so that I can be the KP that fights every single day to put a smile on someone's face, even if it is online. As it stands right now, I am not able to do this every single week. That is why you see me trying new games and new activities IRL and online.
I am not making this post for anyone to feel sorry for me, I am just here to say that these 2 years have been incredible. Alora and the people I've met here saved my life, and I don't want to lose any of you because of this.
I made a post about mental health issues such as depression and anxiety disorders a few months ago (not linking it because I don't want people to think I want any form of attention, thats not what this post is about, or the one I am mentioning ), and that didn't change at all. I am still here for you guys, and hopefully you will be with me for the ride.
If you have any issues or you are struggling mentally, let's help eachother out. Message me on discord, Purple#5940.
Hopefully this is not a "goodbye", it's a "be right back".
I love you all.
~ KP

#321983 My resignation

Posted by God on 20 November 2019 - 08:03 PM



This one feels weird.



It's been a mostly fun almost 2 year staff journey for me. I got staff some point early 2018 and Admin in late August. Throughout my time in staff I've accomplished some pretty amazing things, But unfortunately unless you are/have been/will be staff you won't get to see them. : )


But, I think this is where the journey ends for me.

I've recently become too busy with real life things and other games to be able to have the presence I know I could have/previously did show.


I thank mostly everybody who has been staff during my time and helped me or worked alongside me.

I'll tag a few people below who currently come to mind but I know I'm missing a ton of older staff. (I'm getting old, Barely remember breakfast.)


(No particular order):




@Hot Cakes







Without all of you this time wouldn't have happened/been near as fun. Thank you guys.


See you later, bye bye

#320815 Theatre of Blood Guide

Posted by Mack on 12 November 2019 - 03:40 AM


I. Introduction

The Theatre of Blood is a raid located in Ver Sinhaza. It can be reached by using the command ::tob, the minigame teleport at the Teleport Wizard or by speaking to the Mysterious Stranger south of Edgeville Bank.

The theatre can be taken on by a team of 1 to 5 players. It is a linear raid, meaning it follows the same order each time. The bosses will also have their hitpoints scaled depending on the team size. With a team of three or fewer players the bosses will have 75% of their original hitpoints, with four players the bosses will have 87.5% of their original hitpoints and a team of five players will leave the bosses' hitpoints unchanged.

Unlike OSRS, the Theatre of Blood is a SAFE DEATH for all accounts except Group Hardcore Ironmen. If you die, you will spectate the raid and respawn once your team defeats the boss in the room you are currently in. If all members of your team fail the raid, you will be teleported outside, west of the entrance with all of your gear/items. You do not need to pay to retrieve them.

Requirements, Gear, and Inventory
Skills_icon.png?a8e9f Requirements
The skill total requirement to enter the theatre is 1250 total levels. Other than that, the minimum requirements are adequate melee, mage and range weapons & gear. It is recommended to have 90+ melee stats, 90+ range, 94+ magic and at least 77 prayer to be able to use the Rigour and Augury prayers.

Worn_equipment.png?124cf Gear Hierarchy


Inventory.png?d4795 Inventory

9pQK9Ad.png Supply Chests

III. Maiden of Sugadinti E1pZFiH.png

IV. Pestilent Bloat fRrrQ1I.png

V. Nylocas Vasilias wmdEKBc.png

VI. Sotetseg N68Pi4E.png

VII. Xarpus wQ7tAy8.png

VIII. Verzik Vitur XIgkR4q.png

IX. Rewards laMoHGw.png


X. Tile Markers



XI. Example Runs


#321642 I interviewed a JMod for fun

Posted by Elsa on 18 November 2019 - 12:39 AM

Ok, lets get the elephant in the room out of the way

How did I interview a JMod?

Basically I'm friends with a JMod on Habbo Hotel, and I kinda just asked him some questions, lol.



* The "interview" was more of a chat, and not really professionally made at all, I didn't really ask him a bunch of questions in order to make a thread on Alora, but more so for fun and because there were some stuff that I personally was curious about.

* This "interview/chat" is what it is, and there's no red line to follow, I figured that it might still be an interesting read though ^_^ 

* This "interview/chat" was made ~2-3 months ago, I had totally forgotten about it until just recently when I got interviewed myself  :o

* I'll keep his irl name & JMod name out of this, but his Habbo name should be fine.


His Habbo name is: BelieveMeSafety






Ok let's get on with it:


do you meet Mod Ash often? How legendary is he on a scale?

- Sometimes I see him


which game do you work with? (rs3/osrs)

- both games


did you play alot of rs before getting a job there?

- ya, always played


I assume they see it as a merit to have played the game a fair bit when applying for work there?

- Uhm not a merit, but it's seen as an uplift of talent

- 18 yr old game

- ppl joining know the game inside and out


have you always wanted to work at jagex?

- na 3 yrs


have any of your mates at work played Habbo before?

- yaa


did they recognize your ingame name?

- naa they know what I did on here though


if you were to rwt on Habbo, would that make for any issues at your work?

- no idea


do you know if any private servers or any of the clients have monetary agreements with Jagex?

- private servers get taken down legally


are you maxed on osrs/rs3?

- nnaa deffo not maxed


do you still play rs regularly?

- noo only with Unveils


do you prefer rs3/osrs?

- uhmm osrs

- I liked rs3 mobile though


was there alot of talk about Mod Jed in the office the time following his mess-up?

- :P


did they ask for your runescape name during the job interview? lol

- lool

- ye


did they look up your account status? Previous offences etc?

- yaa

- they laughed


haha why what was in there?

- my chat offences


what's your mod acc called?

- {Mod acc name}


are you able to access your mod account at home? or can you only enter it at work?

- nope

- only at work


are there parties at the office whenever an employee maxes ingame?

- naa but always parties though


how long have you worked there?

- 3 yrs


do you ever go flexing on player with your jmod crown ingame?

- naa never use my jmod acc






It was pretty awkward posting this, I hope that at least someone found it interesting though.


The main reason as to why I find this chat interesting is because this is a JMod speaking in a setting that isn't even remotely connected to Runescape/Jagex, so maybe he feels a bit more free in what he can say? idk

About the setting though, the setting was both on good and bad, it was essentially in a public chatroom and there was tons of people chatting, so I think following up with long chains of text would've been quite difficult.

The questions I asked weren't exactly as written, and I asked a fair bit more questions (mainly about that other game though, since he's a person of importance there aswell), had I asked for it to be more of an interview than a discussion, then I think that I would've gotten some more developed/better answers.

#321566 ICE [Ironman/Classic/Elite] PVM/PVP/SKILLING

Posted by Sassafras on 17 November 2019 - 12:54 PM

Discord Tag - Sassafras#5457


How long have you been in ICE? - 3 months

What position are you applying for? - Bronze Medal of Honor

Have you ever been in a staff position or position of power? - Yes

If so, where and what did your duties entail? (Put N/A if not) -


Iron Help/ICE Staff:

- Assisting new players with advice and activities

- Organizing small scale, unplanned events (i.e. giveaways, learner raids, pest control games, skotizo trips)

- Curating a friendly public cc


Alora Staff:

- Assisting players in-game, on forums, and on Discord

- Maintaining a positive relationship with the community and each individual player

- Enforcing rules and punishing rulebreakers


How much time do you spend on Alora and in the CC daily?

1-3 hours (weekdays), 3-8 hours (weekends)

Being in the Discord is REQUIRED. Are you willing to be active in the Discord and attend weekly meetings?

Yes, with the caveat that my availability for meetings is tied to my job/family.

Why would you like to work with us?

I miss being part of the Ice team and I'm eager to reconnect with many of the old souls from its inception. I feel I can contribute both my time and energy into making Ice cc a more active home and providing a better overall experience for players.


What skills do you possess that would make you a good addition to our team?

Patience, game knowledge, the desire to help players, positivity.

Is there anything else you would like for us to know when considering your application?

Thank you for reading my application.