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Nicely Done

Member Since 26 Aug 2019
Offline Last Active Aug 29 2019 04:08 AM

Topics I've Started


26 August 2019 - 05:24 PM

Good morning/afternoon/evening!


I am Nicely Done and I am new here. I stumbled upon an advertisement via Facebook several weeks ago, which had sparked my interest after looking through some media uploaded to the Facebook page. I have been lurking the website for a short while now, as well as been tuning into the community manager's live-streams over at YouTube, which were always enjoyable to watch. Today I thought I would finally register an account and begin playing. I know of the original RuneScape game, but I have never played it, nor a person(s)-made gaming private server based on it. Much obliged to those who have made informative threads and guides, as without them, I would not have been as confident as I currently am to begin playing. They have certainly helped me get a gist of how the game works and how to get started.


I have chosen the hardcore iron man game mode, because I like a challenge, and having only one life sounds frightening, yet so thrilling. I am super excited to obtain high tier armoury and weaponry, so that I can begin slaying the beasts and make tons of gold.


I like a good ol' chit chat, so everyone is more than welcome to add me and send me a message - perhaps we could slay beasts and do other in-game activities together! 


All the best,

Nicely Done