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Member Since 15 Jan 2017
Offline Last Active Oct 05 2021 03:16 AM

#181098 Alora Rank Explanation

Posted by Sheep on 26 April 2018 - 03:21 PM






Founder is the owner of the server and its website. The founder has full power and is in charge of the server along with handling donation support tickets, RSGP/custom donations, releasing updates.





Community Manager is responsible for the staff team. They are obligated to manage the staff team, as regards promotions/demotions, deal with any staff related issues (staff reports). It is the second most important role after the Founder.





The Advertisement Manager's primary responsibility is to handle Alora's public advertisement. They are responsible for Alora's social media handling, Youtubers, and off-site activities.





Administrators are members of staff who have access to in-game and forums Admin Control Panels. They handle most support tickets (2FA resets & password resets, etc) that cannot be handled by Global Moderators. Administrators will assist players in complex situations & administrate the server/forums, help lower staff ranks out under circumstances.





Event Managers are responsible for executing a number of diverse events. In doing so, they make sure that the events that they host are up to par in terms of creativity, fairness, player-contentment, and originality. Event Managers are members of staff who are focused on organizing the weekly events, tournaments etc. Their aim is to ensure that the community gets involved into the server activity. Note that Event Manager can be a primary/secondary rank, meaning on some occasions they can assist in administrator/moderator situations as well.





Global Moderators are members of staff who are focused on moderating both in-game and forums (Forum & Server moderator combined). Global Moderators have to handle appeals, player reports, monitor in-game/forums, forward any serious issues to Administrators and guide Server Moderators as they essentially are the right-hand of administrators.





Forum Moderators are members of staff who are focused on moderating our forums. They have to ensure no forum rules are broken, monitor the content, issue warnings to any wrongdoers. They will primarily deal with forum related reports, however they essentially have some in-game powers, therefore you may see them assisting in-game, as well.





Server Moderators are members of staff who only have power in-game. They aim to monitor the server, watch over the Support section frequently, give out in-game punishments, deal with appeals, player reports, in other words, keep the community clean and safe for everyone meanwhile helping out the players.





Server Supports are the lowest ranks of staff. They barely have any power as their goal is to assist the community, answer questions in help clan chats, personal messages etc. They can also assist in Support sections with basic questions.







Ex-Staff are members of the community who are no longer apart of the staff team. This rank is obtainable for those who have reached a moderator or have been a server support for longer than a month. This rank has no bonuses.





Veterans are members of Alora who have been around the community for a while. It is a respected rank and can be obtained if the specific requirements are met (see here). This rank also has no bonuses.





Youtubers are members of the community who provide server related media to the community. They get perks if they attain this rank, however they must provide content regularly and promote the server on YouTube. In order to apply for this rank, please contact an administrator/founder for more info.





Graphic Designers are members of the community who provide artwork by posting it on forums. They mostly provide unofficial graphic design to the community. This rank can be obtained if the requirements are met (see here). In order to apply for this rank, please contact the Official Graphic Designer.





Official Graphic Designers are members of the community who provide official artwork for the server. They design the homepage, unique headers or any other work requested by the Founder. They are in charge of regular graphic designers and are entitled to rank them when appropriate.





















Donators are members of the community who have contributed to the server by donating money.

They have plenty of benefits after donating that can be found here: http://www.alora.io/store -> FAQ.











Ironmen are members of the community who picked a challenging game mode where they cannot trade, use the trading post, buy from general stores, however they can still purchase some items from a donation store. There are multiple ironmen modes: regularultimatehardcore, elite and group. The only difference is that hardcores have slightly lower exp rates (8x) and lose their rank once they die, whereas ultimate ironmen cannot use banks, elites can choose a duo partner in the first 24 hours of playing, after that they're solo, also the exp rates are 4x in this game mode. Group Ironman have the opportunity to partner with a total of 5 members, the exp rate is (6x), can also choose to be solo and can always join a group, there's no time limit in joining one. If you want to participate in the highscore "teams" section, you need at least 3 members.





Classics are members of the community who have the exp rate, 5x across all skills. They can trade, use shops and the trading post.




The Realism mode only provides 2x exp rate across all skills. This game mode has its own eco system. 



P.S. By clicking the userbars above, you'll be taken to the list of members currently having that rank.


Note: This thread will be updated if more ranks come out in the future.

If there are any questions/feedback, don't hesitate to contact me or any staff member via PM.

#181202 Nerf Forum Mod Powers on Suggestions

Posted by Dante on 26 April 2018 - 11:54 PM

 I was surprised to see it shut down so quickly by the opinion of a single (forum) moderator. I then found the "Handled suggestions" tab and was surprised to see that in each suggestion, it was handled and locked by a single post from a moderator. This is quite a ridiculous way to handle in-game content. OSRS has a staff team review suggestions in addition to having them polled by players.


I'm going to try my best to not make a massive post about this seeing as I don't think a topic like this should even be gone into all that much. First off, I wanted to mention something that is blatantly obvious, or should be at least; Alora is not OSRS. We are a RSPS that tries to bring a similar feeling to OSRS without as much of a grind. That being said, we also aren't run like OSRS. Sure, we have a staff team that is slightly comparable to the team for OSRS, but we're no where near as big as their team. Along with that, we have only one Developer, Father Omicron. The amount of people that OSRS has and pays to test and develop new content is instantly higher than Alora (higher than 1, seeing as we don't get paid to be staff btw), and the amount of hours that they can put in opposed to just one person is very different.


The reason that Omicron isn't going through the list of suggestions himself and picking what to and what not to add to Alora is plain and simple; it takes too much time. For there only being one person who is actually developing the content you see in game it doesn't make much sense to allocate copious amounts of time doing other things like dealing with suggestions (there are many other things you can relate to this but I'll keep it on topic).


When a staff member deals with a suggestion it's not like they just accept/decline things as they please (even though it's understandable it seems this way), most of the time there is a lot of thought behind it as well as input from other members of the team, looking ahead to visualize whether or not adding something like this would be an overall benefit/would be worth the development time seeing as there is so much Omicron can do in one day, as well as looking over the feedback from the players in that suggestion thread.


I don't think it's fair for you to make a suggestion to 'Nerf Forum Mod Powers on Suggestions' just because a Forum Moderator, who not to mention STARTS with ranks in-game, and then gains powers on the forums as well, decided that a suggestion that was posted shouldn't have been accepted.





TL;DR: FMods are Server Mods with a bit of power on the forums and they don't just accept/decline suggestions without any thought behind it, and don't make the decision on their own to deal with suggestions.

#181148 "Take it off yell please."

Posted by EIM Mada on 26 April 2018 - 07:15 PM

Personally I think seeing pk beef on yell is very good for the server, example:


Some new pker joins, see's active clan beef on yell, thinks "Oh pking is actually active on here great", "theres active clanning scenes" etc.


I dont even see a need for a 2nd yell, Just needs to be fairly moderated and staff members need to stop being bitches and handing out punishments for pk beef. When it gets to actual flame, yes then punish/make it stop, but pk beef/banter on yell is actually very good for the server if you exclude the snowflakes that get upset over anything and everything.

#177233 Elite Ironman Release Announced! + Competition information

Posted by Omicron on 12 April 2018 - 12:11 AM

Elite Ironman

VqobOZG.pngComing this Saturday, on April 14th (9pm EST)!

Hello everyone,

We’ve been working hard to get Elite Ironman out to you guys, and we’re finally close to doing just that. The target release date is this Saturday night, on April 14th around 9pm EST!

With the release of the all new Elite Ironman Mode coming to Alora, we've decided to put together an event, rewarding the players who are able to complete the following achievements first!

Make sure to check out the PvP event hosted by @Lowkey! There's $500 in cash prizes up for grabs! Click on the link below for more information:


Competition Achievements:

First Player to Reach 1000 Total Level:

Reward: 300 tokens

Winner: Elite Dad

First Player to Receive a Blowpipe:

Reward: 300 tokens

Winner: im player 1

First Player to Reach 2000 Total Level:

Reward: 600 tokens

Winner: Mr solo

First to Complete A Solo Raid:

Reward: 800 Tokens

Winner: Raud Flame I

First to Receive 3 Pets:

Reward: 800 Tokens

Winner: Elite Hannah

First Player to Complete the Inferno:

Reward: 1000 Tokens

Winner: Attribute

Any achievement that has not been claimed will be coloured red and have N/A as the winner until it is claimed. If you are the first to complete and achievement, you must send me(or an Administrator) a private message with proof of completion, and we will add the tokens to your account and update the thread with your name added as the winner for the appropriate task.

Good Luck,

#163707 Staff Update 2/17/18

Posted by Jedzio on 17 February 2018 - 09:39 PM

Lmfao.. Roy scamming. Called it since day one.

Surprised on the Elise abuse thing tho.. waiting on that info.

#163581 Staff Update 2/17/18

Posted by 5 on 17 February 2018 - 12:09 PM

Extremely disappointed with whoever got demoted. Literally unacceptable. 


Sad to see you nerds leave @dr drew & @Ramon , known you guys for ages, we'll keep in touch on discord.

#163579 Staff Update 2/17/18

Posted by Dumbshit on 17 February 2018 - 11:59 AM

2 staff members banned for scamming, that's probably why you guys should consider promoting people who actually contributes & assists the game instead of picking players through favouritism, just a suggestion [doesn't yield to all staff]


I'm pretty bumbed out of Diva's demotion though, but owell.

#163543 Staff Update 2/17/18

Posted by Patnado on 17 February 2018 - 10:18 AM

@Lowkey Lmfao gotta test these people more before you give them such power, etc. Time proves who deserves what in life/online..

@Klassieker He was probably butthurt at the fact he was a moderator for so long, greedy people come out of their shells in time.. ;)

#163533 Staff Update 2/17/18

Posted by Austin Post on 17 February 2018 - 09:59 AM

Was expecting Thorr2 to follow shortly after Hot Cakes, to be honest. Congratulations on the promotion, and to you as well, Hellish. I wish you both the best of luck with your new roles. Very disappointed to hear about Yuichi and Elvemage Jr, especially Elvemage Jr...As already said elsewhere, thank-you for your service and contributions, Ramon...I hope everything works out for you in real life. See you soon, Dr Drew!

#163529 Staff Update 2/17/18

Posted by rip joey on 17 February 2018 - 09:34 AM

Huge hit for the staff team , this shows how little the players actually know whats going on.


Its weird that som1 like elvemage who has being helping on alora like way over a year is just discarded like that and the same goes for diva really.

Not saying they didnt do nothing wrong , but cmon "further information will not be mentioned"

#163524 Staff Update 2/17/18

Posted by Ywdshot on 17 February 2018 - 09:23 AM

Staff scamming,  bad chat.

Why make the effort and hardwork to earn it, to then ruin it by being an idiot.

Congrats to the rest for being promoted though :) 

#163517 Staff Update 2/17/18

Posted by HC Proxy on 17 February 2018 - 09:19 AM

Spicy week in the Alora staff department! stay tuned, gz to @Thorr2 and @Hellish, Best of luck with whatever you do next @Ramon been a pleasure working with you mate. 

#163514 Staff Update 2/17/18

Posted by Ultistic on 17 February 2018 - 09:17 AM

Hello everyone,
A few promotions this week (more next week) and quite a few unfortunate demotions and resignations. Hope you guys have a great weekend!
Promotions - 
Thorr2 has been promoted to Administrator. 
Hellish has been promoted to Server Support.
Diva has been demoted from Administrator for abuse of powers. Further information regarding this will not be mentioned.
Yuichi has been demoted & banned for scamming.
Elvemage jr has been demoted & banned for scamming.
Resignations -
Ramon has resigned from his Forum Moderator position. He's been quite busy with school lately and can't find enough time to spend on Alora. We thank you for the time spent with us and wish you the best of luck.
Dr Drew has temp resigned due to personal issues. He will be returning when everything gets straightened out.
Alora Administration Team

#163479 Clanchat QoL

Posted by Dutchie on 17 February 2018 - 06:44 AM




Just wondering.. why are the ranks in the clanchat not showing in the clanchat next to your name? Also.. would like to see an organized ranks in the clanchat;


Before:                 After:


0f60f4eb452b818e2a40b4cc514927b6.png                           64282b8a30522bbab6626158e48e86eb.png



Looks a lot better.





#160660 notifications spam

Posted by rip joey on 08 February 2018 - 03:59 AM

You seem to be flooding forums so im not suprised