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Member Since 19 Nov 2019
Previous Username: Magnata 5K
Offline Last Active Jun 23 2024 07:34 PM

Topics I've Started

We got our First CoX Purple! | Classic Adventures Episode 11

03 April 2023 - 01:54 PM

Hello and Welcome to Classic Adventures Episode 11!

I have decided to make this episode in a forum thread since I'm very busy in real life and I don't have many time to grind and edit videos as I used to. I'll probably bring the next episode in a video but unfortunately the upload time from a video to other will take longer than normal because of the same reason.


uyzcGEL.png Skilling uyzcGEL.png



sz0MFtd.png PvM sz0MFtd.png



Upgraded my Rank from Super to Legendary Donator.



7oJyD7P.png Raids gnZRHoG.png



Last video Giveaway Winner

($10 Bond)


Congratulations!!  :PepeGreat:  :mKomrade: 


YouTube Link for this episode + $10 Bond Giveaway!!


Thank you for your attention, See you all in the next episode.  <3