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Member Since 19 Dec 2019
Offline Last Active Jan 30 2020 08:21 PM

Topics I've Started

Qol Suggestions

03 January 2020 - 09:27 PM

Just somethings that runelite has implemented, that would make playing Alora more enjoyable.

I've been notified that the suggestion to add the ability to toggle a worldmap has already been suggested, however bump to that suggestion lol.

  1. The ability to toggle a minimap and use it to walk/run around. (Good addition for those of us who dont know exactly where to go, perfect example would be in the catacombs/dungeons) 


2. Ability to toggle which ground items are shown more easily, rather than having to use some clunky hidden list. Could be toggled via the alt button. 





Blowpipe Suggestion

30 December 2019 - 01:55 AM

What is your suggestion?: Up the amount of scales it can hold to 16k like osrs


Is this in OSRS?: Yes


Has this suggestion been accepted already?: N/A


How would this benefit Alora?: Would make the blowpipe more viable as 2.5k scales goes quickly


Edit: As mentioned by @ Blackpoiint the ratio of scales to darts would have to be changed as well, to the correct value which is 3:2.


21 December 2019 - 12:54 PM


  1.  Ability to use WASD Camera movements: as someone who plays with WASD on old school not having the option to even switch to this makes the game a bit more tedious. Would require enter to be pressed to type; option to toggle it.
  2. Make thammarons sceptre cast its own spell, it is the worst of the three wilderness weapons. With the ability to auto-cast it's own special spell when charged with ether similar to the trident having its own auto-cast spell it can perhaps gain some uses in the wilderness rather than its current ability of increased accuracy in the wilderness when its charged.
  3. Iban staff auto cast, allow ibans staff to auto cast it's spell similar to osrs. I dont know if it can I tried to do it yesterday however couldnt figure it out.