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Member Since 24 Dec 2019
Offline Last Active Jan 02 2024 05:40 AM

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Gorok's Goals and Achievements [Snowflake] [Post Max] [Updated 27/10/2020]

18 March 2020 - 05:23 AM

First of all I just want to say that I am back playing Alora and will be continuing on my progression thread, I hope you all enjoy! 19/07/2022



What is this account?


KmTNqNh.png           viZcFBt.png


So the account is as follows, and to complete all of my goals this is going to take a very, very long time. 

There will be 4** sections of "Tasks" that I am randomly generating on this account, these are shown below:

- What skill to train (Once these all hit 99 we will be re-rolling through the list to gain 10m extra xp at a time - though this will turn the task more passive)



- Current tasks, this list is going to have absolutely everything from the Alora collection log in it, we will generate a task or an object to gain, once we have this we can roll the next one. (Yes I understand the list is going to be massive and we could end up with absolutely anything to get for the account.)


​- Miscellaneous, this list will include all shops such as Vote store, Daily task store and slayer store, however it will also include various items such as graceful outfit pieces.


- Achievement tasks, I realised that last time I was on here I had no way of gaining or tracking achievements, these help and feel necessary to parts of the game so I have added them in.


I am not allowed to go out of my way to complete any unnecessary goals.



Current Skill to the next 10M xp (Passive)




Current Tasks




Current Miscellaneous Task




Current Achievement Task




Below you will find the current stats/exp and also the boss Kc's, once you get past those you will be able to see how this account started off!





rWqUgBZ.pngAttack 99/99 (56M/200M xp)

lioVvz1.pngStrength 99/99 (15M/200M xp)

UBtA7Uf.pngDefence 99/99 (15M/200M xp)

dBKhV0n.pngRanged 99/99 (30M/200M xp)

T1d74CV.pngPrayer 99/99 (13M/200M xp)

TPVC91a.pngMagic 99/99 (18M/200M xp)

cW9zY29.pngRunecrafting 99/99 (13M/200M xp)

9RBA2OB.pngConstruction 99/99 (13M/200M xp)

Ih24wX4.pngHitpoints 99/99 ( 40M/200M xp)

BfH9yz2.pngAgility 99/99 ( 21M/200M xp)

ikJD9pJ.pngHerblore 99/99 (13M/200M xp)

NSpMp9m.pngThieving 99/99 (22M/200M xp)

NLTcCy4.pngCrafting 99/99 (13M/200M xp)

t6lFVW4.pngFletching 99/99 (13M/200M xp)

FvC1x2Z.pngSlayer 99/99 (13M/200M xp)

CmyJ9Ci.pngHunter 99/99 (13M/200M xp)

PhjX6VY.pngMining 99/99 (34M/200M xp)

nMOrpIo.pngSmithing 99/99 (13M/200M xp)

0uPCki4.pngFishing 99/99 (25M/200M xp)

QhF6Az8.pngCooking 99/99 (13M/200M xp)

yLI9qm2.pngFiremaking 99/99 (13M/200M xp)

MPhyJ8u.pngWoodcutting 99/99 (30M/200M xp)

kEaHkDJ.pngFarming 99/99 (15M/200M xp)


Boss Killcount:


Abyssal Sire : 0 

Barrows : 188

Callisto : 0

Cerberus : 0

                                     Chaos Elemental : 0                                                                       Chaos Fanatic : 0               

                                        Commander Zilyana : 0                                   Corporeal Beast : 0

                                                                     Crazy Archaeologist : 0                                                                      Daggannoth Kings : 0 

                                       The Fightcaves : 0                                                                  The Gauntlet : 0 

    General Graador : 0

Giant Mole : 0 

             Grotesque Guardians : 0

 The Inferno : 0 

                       Kalphite Queen : 0                                  

              King Black Dragon : 0

Kraken : 630

Kree'arra : 0 

                                        K'ril Tsutsaroth : 0                                                                   The Nightmare : 0 

Sarachnis : 0

Scorpia : 0 

                  Skotizo : 0                                                   

                       Thermonuclear Smoke Devil : 0

Venenatis : 0 

Vet'ion : 0

Vorkath : 0

Zalcano : 0

Zulrah : 31 




Skilling accomplishments (In order)




Task Accomplishments (In order)



Miscellaneous Accomplishments (In order)



Gorok's Goals

24 December 2019 - 06:23 AM

What is this account/restrictions?


Okay so I have decided to make a UIM, this UIM will have to train stats in a specific order based on a random generated skill. This will be a very real grind so I hope I can take you guys on this journey with me. Early game if the objective is not feasible such as doing attack, strength and defence right off the bat we will re roll. As this will only be able to be completed through PC which will require 40 combat, so realistically we'll have to go through Prayer/Magic first.


How will I decide what skill to do?


A website called Wheel Decide where I am able to list all skills, for that wheel to spin and choose one at random, once this skill has reached 99 we will remove it from the Wheel.




How will you guys know if I am doing them in the order I am given?


I will update this post with my levels Etc, and provide a thread each time we reach level 99 in a skill.


Just.. Why?


I am doing this while I am grinding my Realism (Open Casket), I like to set myself different Challenges and I like to do things a little differently, it makes me feel more accomplished.




Attack 1/99

Strength 1/99

Defence 1/99

Ranged 1/99

Prayer 1/99

Magic 1/99

Runecrafting 1/99

Construction 1/99

Hitpoints 1/99

Agility 1/99

Herblore 1/99

Thieving 1/99

Crafting 1/99

Fletching 1/99

Slayer 1/99

Hunter 1/99

Smithing 1/99

Fishing 1/99

Cooking 99/99

Firemaking 1/99

Woodcutting 1/99


Current Skill




Future Plans


So the future of this account is obviously to max out all skills, with this being a long process. After this I'd like to go through the Collection Log one thing at a time at again a randomly generated rate. I hope you guys will see me on my journey and drop me a PM anytime!  :D  :P



