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Member Since 06 Jan 2020
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In Topic: Change the slayer reward shop

13 April 2020 - 12:12 PM

You get extra points every 10/25/50 tasks you know? A 10 streak gives you 200-400 points depending on boosts and you get that every 10, 25 gives you like 300-700 points, it adds up, by 100 you should be able to buy at least 3-5 imbue scrolls

have you tried new slayer system? Because im not getting these 200-400 points per 10 task, im getting like 60 points per 10 tasks

No support and support.  I have thoroughly tested slayer, and here is my conclusion.


Currently, slayer points are awarded purely based on streak number.  420 points for 100th tasks and 600 points for 250th tasks.  It doesn't matter if you did 100 easy tasks (10 cows/skeletons/yaks/rockcrabs/ghosts/hillgiants) or 100 hard tasks (100 ancient wyverns/gargoyle/abyssaldemon/etc), you get the same amount of points.  As a result of this new system, slayer points per hour is significantly faster at lower levels.  For a maxed main with 0 streak, acquiring 250 slayer points for a daily task, would take at least 10 hard tasks (10 hours+).  The problem is so bad that it would be faster for me (a streakless, maxed super donor) to obtain a cannon on a new level 3 realism account than to acquire one on the main.  


So how do we fix this?


Slayer points / hour should be faster at higher slayer/cb levels, not slower. 


Players should not be awarded to same amount of points for completing easy streaks as hard streaks.  The amount of time it takes to kill about 100 monsters with 250 hp each (hard tasks) is significantly longer than the time it takes to kill 10 monsters with 10 hp each (easy task).  For the system to work, we need to rebalance slayer by implementing points/kill on top of points/task streak.  The number of slayer points/kill should be enough to allow higher level players faster slayer points/hour than newbies.


As for the suggestions in this post.  I see where you're coming from, but I do not support.  I think fixing the way slayer points are awarded is a much better solution to your problem than moving rewards to another shop and changing the price, especially when you don't suggest a specific shop/price.  


Keeping it REAL!

Im all for more slayer points/faster for higher lvls, it just seems they want to keep it like OSRS, thats why my suggestion was to move the rewards or lower the cost.

But again im all in for higher lvls to get more slayer points/faster.

In Topic: Change the slayer reward shop

12 April 2020 - 07:41 PM

Just don't cancel tasks and streak up, you get a fuck ton of points.

yea 100 tasks will give you something like 2040 points without skipping, which will take around 30-100 hours, it takes around 3 hours to imbue a slayer helm in OSRS.

but yes you get more a bit more points when you hit 250 500 and 1000 tasks but thats still 30-100 hours per 100 tasks to get around 2k ish points

now with rings, slayer helm and salve you at least looking at 5 imbue scrolls a salve amulet, points to craft the helm, mby even some of the other unlocks that alone 180-600 hours of farming slayer points, just so you can upgrade your rings, helm and salve amulet.

do you think its fair for new players to get a black mask around 58 slayer, save points to craft slayer helm, but can first imbue it after 99 slayer? you dont get the mage/range bonus if its not imbued, and everytime you block/skip any task it takes longer.

In Topic: Change the slayer reward shop

12 April 2020 - 07:00 AM

No support , i like how the slayer shop is now ,atleast its balanced now

did you even read what i wrote or just the topic ??