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HC Benji

Member Since 08 Feb 2020
Offline Last Active Nov 18 2020 03:15 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Remove Silver Sickle (b) from Vote store or lower points needed

25 April 2020 - 01:16 PM

No support, it does not take very long to get this item through voting. 

In Topic: Fix Placeholders

09 April 2020 - 05:06 PM

yes plz

In Topic: Wintertodt

17 March 2020 - 02:06 PM

The only people who don't want wintertodt are staff members. I see people requesting and asking about wintertodt every day. Quit being lazy and add it.


As a primarily ironman server, wintertodt is one of the most basic ironman necessities that you do on osrs. This would never be dead content. 

In Topic: Daily Quests need to be re-worked to be a true daily system.

04 March 2020 - 12:05 PM

My issue is that it takes 9 months of dailies to get something simple like a tomb of fire or full shayzien....