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Lun Lun

Member Since 21 Jan 2017
Offline Last Active Mar 29 2017 07:39 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Suggestion on stopping phisers

20 March 2017 - 09:05 AM

It might work for things like bots, but a dedicated phisher is next to impossible to deter. Even I could post an application the next day that has some little hidden, highly obfuscated snippet of code that will help get passwords in some way.

Hell, I once made one to show a server owner why they shouldn't save passwords locally since I could just send the file that has both in it to myself via smtp.

In Topic: Battle Royal Suggestion

12 March 2017 - 07:45 PM

Yes. Yes please.

In Topic: Why Have I Been So Inactive?

12 March 2017 - 10:13 AM

Cool that you're doing that, but you are also ending your scripts on a '\n' character which is horrible programming.  At least you posted this thread in the correct section.

I do want to emphasize that it's not a full-featured, standalone language; but rather a tool or a collection of libraries to call common functionality from both .NET and my own common library.

I'm also working on a sort of plugin system so you could skip certain methods in an application and even replace the code executed with a script.


But in reality it's more of a project for me to just learn a little bit more about large-scale projects and see what I can really do.


I remember my old college roommate was working on his own actual programming language he named Nova. He was writing a compiler for it in Java so he could then rewrite it in his own language. It was way above my  head in terms of it's technical scale.

I'm just some dude who's self-taught who makes simple shit for myself, friends and family and who occasionally does commissioned work.

In Topic: Vote shop items

11 March 2017 - 06:15 PM

I'd prefer to have actually practical items compared to fashion-related shit, but expanding it either way is a yes from me.

In Topic: 2FA Achievement

11 March 2017 - 06:10 PM

Make an account achievement

Log in for the first time achievement

Turn on the client achievement

Level up one skill achievement

Type your first chat message achievement

Make your character walk achievement

Center the minimap achievement

Open x menu achievements

Talk to an npc achievement

Let's just reward utter mediocrity.


Seriously though, you already get bonus xp for voting while authenticated, I don't think the achievement will persuade people who likely don't have it because it annoys them to get it.