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Member Since 03 Jun 2020
Offline Last Active Jul 09 2022 03:29 PM

#361185 Sell back Loyalty shop items

Posted by J boogs on 29 June 2020 - 10:17 AM

What is your suggestion?:

I am suggestion to allow players to resell back items they've purchased from the Loyalty shop for 50% price you purchased it for. (This is for suggestion sake but I think it's a fair medium) 


Is this in OSRS?:

No, This is a Alora feature


Has this suggestion been accepted already?:



How would this benefit Alora?:

I feel this can benefit Alora in a couple ways. Probably the biggest benefit would be if someone for say accidentally buys multiple of one item, they can resell the accidentally bought ones for some reimbursement vs making the player make a technical support thread in hopes of a refund. Another bonus this can bring to the table is if a player wants a new item or set from the Loyalty shop, they can resell the pieces randomly sitting in bank vs just dropping them and going to waste.