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EIM Atlas

Member Since 10 Jun 2020
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#370803 Implementing the skilling portion of Pest-Control for points

Posted by 10hpsIron on 01 September 2020 - 09:52 PM

Hey y'all! I'll keep this as short as I can. My account is a 10 hitpoint account that I am training to max stats while staying 10 hitpoints as genuinely as I can (No locking skills or resetting) and the one minigame I hang around a bit is Pest Control. I like to go when it's busy and just hang out with others and goof off. What would be cool, however is allowing someone like me (it's pretty rare but still) to still be able to earn points for participating somehow. I know it's probably too much of a pain to code in, and repairing barricades on Alora wouldn't really do anything, but would open the game mode up just a tiny bit more! If this is denied it's no sweat I'll still hang around