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Member Since 16 Jul 2020
Offline Last Active Jul 29 2020 07:50 PM

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in a drought

17 July 2020 - 05:34 PM

im in an ice cream drought, no doubt. my tounge is hot, i like it cold. always on a quest for frosty cold creams. 

Name: Ryder 


Nickname: storm, alasquach


location: somewhere in Alaska


interests: ice cream, cheese, cars, poi spinning, fire spinning, long walks on the beach, farming ;) , wondering why the alphabet is in the order it is. bank standing. making a plan and forgetting what it is when banking, clicking pixels over and over, riveting conversations about nothing important at all. riding polar bears, laughing at neighbor kids falling off their bikes.


what am i looking for in an mmorpg?  Treats, frosty cold ones. ice cream perhaps. 


runescape experience: Stand and Deliver!!!