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GIM Riley

Member Since 23 Sep 2020
Previous Username: Riley Raids
Offline Last Active May 23 2023 05:58 AM

#380984 Suggestion: Donator rank transfer!

Posted by Falske on 15 November 2020 - 02:47 PM

First off i know this has been suggested many times and there's been many valid points however they're not shown together, so thats what i will be doing on this topic! And throwing in my own solution!

What is your suggestion?: Allow 250$+ rank to be transferred an extra time for a FEE!

Is this in OSRS?: NA

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: NA

How would this benefit Alora?: There's many players at the moment having very high donator ranks on their old mains, now alts, that dosen't even want to put the same amount of time into the game that they used to, cause the rank they spent days,months, some even years, have gone to waste cause of some limit? Come on, this is a RSPS, without having heard a reason why this is being declined i am only to make up my own conclusion being well. The staff is thinking that having the ranks transferrable more would make people donate less.

And let me tell you!
They won't, the strive for a higher rank or a name change ext, Is still there, currently with the highest rank ingame being Eternal theres a free transfer of rank at every 90 days anywho, the majority of people who want the rank transferred Isn't the ones who paid IRL $ For it, so for a fee, have them enjoy the game the way they used to?

The proposition i got thinking about is

100$ Custom dono= up to 1000$ rank transferred 
500$ Custom dono= All ranks are transferrable, 

Seeing as spending 1000$ to get a immortal moved, thats well insane hope you can see that since its basically half (almost) if it was a custom dono for rank,


Custom donos are still going to be sought after, everyday a new player gets wealth ingame, everyday a new player wants to up their rank,

If theres a rule for you staff made to be like Oh no no, this suggestion, and you've been told to instantly decline It, please give us the players a chance to have a say in this, I believe that from what's said in this post you can see that there will only be gain for all parties from this being implemented, So before you decline it, please post it in your staff chat asking if we can have it up for a week before the decision has been made!



Would love to hear some opinions on this. and maybe another proposition for the solution to this massively needed change.





#380987 Suggestion: Donator rank transfer!

Posted by Moe on 15 November 2020 - 02:59 PM

We've already provided a free donator rank transfer for anyone with the $250+ rank. We've also added another free donator rank transfer to Uber+ (making it two), and Eternal donator has unlimited donator transfers. No one has ever shut down this kind of suggestion, we've always made minor tweaks for the community.


I believe Omicron has something up his sleeve for you guys in the future, patience brothers. <3

#380989 Suggestion: Donator rank transfer!

Posted by Brambo on 15 November 2020 - 03:04 PM

I agree for the most part. But imo it aint fair that people with a higher rank need to pay more for a rank transfer. They supported the server even more than the lower ranks and need to get rewarded for that and not pay even more for a rank transfer.

But i support this 100%. This is what most people want, and what is asked alot. Listen to the community, its a benefit for staff and players.

There are also a shit ton of gamemodes, but only 2 transfers for uber master and Immortal. These ranks supportes the server insanely. Give them more options then only 2 transfers.

#380904 ICE [Ironman/Classic/Elite] PVM/PVP/SKILLING

Posted by Miya on 15 November 2020 - 05:16 AM



Account Name (IGN) - Riley Raids

Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Porn Actress#0432

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Recruit



Name of the player who recruited you? (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY!) - 

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) -about 2 years ago on an old acc

What rank are you applying for? -Corporal

What are your strengths? - Alot of game knowledge, helpfull whenever i can. 

What are your weaknesses? - incosistent activety 

In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for.


been in ice for a long time, helped alot of people, donated alot to events don't want personal gain out of it. just wanna make people's day a bit better / their in game experience to be better.


Your application has been accepted and you have been promoted to Corporal!


Posted by Brambo on 06 November 2020 - 10:04 AM

count me in guys, im joining with Riley Raids and Smope jr!

Our group name is "Stephanie"

#379380 Ghost2hunt's Solo Olm guide

Posted by ghost2hunt on 03 November 2020 - 02:11 PM

Hello everyone, 

You may remember me from my post in the general section of the forum a few weeks back, asking for help on how to solo olm, I was relatively new to the game and struggled like many learners, i have since done 75+ raids where I did solo's, duo's & trio's to help others learn olm and get the enjoyment from raiding in chambers on alora.
I do truely believe this is one of the more fun and rewarding pieces on content to do, so I decided to make a short guide on an un-cut olm kill and make a written guide alongside it.
I by no means am going to claim I'm an amazing pvmer, (I'm not), I just want to show that the boss can easily be done with some practice and basic understanding of the mechanics!
Thanks in advance for reading / Watching.


Video Guide:



Written Guide: 

Olm's Specials overview ( & how to avoid / deal with them ):
Red Portal underneath you -> Run in a square as shown in the video with protect from melee on, waiting for a boulder to start appearing in the sky before moving on the the next marked tile while remaining on the opposite side of the head.
Green Crystal underneath you -> Quickly move away atleast one tile while not walking into the head's vision.
Green Lightning crossing verticaly on multiple rows -> To be safe, find an empty row, go to it and continue to run the head until they passed the center, after which you continue the fight.
Burn with me -> Can not be avoided, deals medciore damage overtime just eat up so you don't die if you mess up the mechanics.

Boulders falling in between phases & on the head phase -> stand atleast 2 tiles away from the impact & turn on protect from melee to reduce damage taken on hit.
Pools appearing on head phase -> Stand on them or turn on protect from magic to reduce damage taken.

Before Entering - 

Overload + Prayer Enchance if available before clicking the well - Equip melee gear with BGS/DWH - Go Downstairs 

Strategy: ( This'll go over the fight, dodge / avoid specials when possible, to read up on those, see above )
First Phase - 
Pray protect from magic & piety when entering, spec the melee hand once, put on your mage gear & magic might / augury and start attacking the mage hand until the head looks one way rather than being centered, afterwards turn on protect from melee & continue to attack the mage hand while remaining on the marked tiles shown in the video OPPOSITE of where the head is looking.
Once the mage hand dies, put on your melee gear & piety while still praying protect from melee, kill the melee hand while you keep running the head (staying on the opposite side of where it's looking).

Second Phase -

Pray Protect from magic & piety when the phase begins, double spec the melee hand, put on your tentacle/dhl/rapier/scythe and attack the melee hand until the head looks one way rather than being centered, afterwards turn on protect from melee & continue attacking the melee until the hand cripples ( it's no longer attackable / indicated by olm pulling his fingers inwards. ) Switch to your magic gear, pray magic might or augury rather than piety and attack the mage hand until the melee hand uncripples,
after which you rince and repeat by switching into your melee gear, turning on piety and attacking the melee hand until it cripples again.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not kill one of the hands until both of them are at ~10% hp, after which you start by killing the melee hand followed by the mage hand to prevent it from resetting.

Third & Final Phase / Head Phase -

Pray protect from melee & eagle eye / rigour + equip your range gear & attack the head while you continue to run the head. Whenever olm summons two pools, if one of them is nearby stand on it til it dissapears or turn on protect from magic till they disspear to reduce damage taken, then switch back to protect from melee and continue to attack the head, repeating this process til it's dead.


Olm solo guide with max gear by arguably one of the best pvmers on the server: https://www.alora.io...ning-olms-head/
My Thread in the general section, has useful videos & tips too: https://www.alora.io...69000-solo-cox/


#379229 Selenagomez' Guide To EASIEST GWD BOSSES!

Posted by selenaG on 02 November 2020 - 04:13 AM

Hello, this guide will show you how to make godwars bosses so easy you will want to camp there forever and ruin the eco!





2 Accounts

1 Account with high defense/mage.(tank account)

1 Account with good enough stats to kill the boss.



Tank account setup: 

RM8kKjH.png You can bring a budget version as well, basically you just want your range/melee defense to be as high as possible.


Tank inventory:




Bandos/Sara/Zammy Strategy: Run in on your tank account first to gather minion aggro run in a corner and pray mage and afk.

Now enter room on the account you want to kill the boss on and kill zammy/sara/bandos, dont kill minions. pray melee


Arma Strategy: Run in on your tank account, run UNDER Arma, pray mage afk.

Enter room on your killer account, pray range kill Arma. 



Bandos : 










#379087 [1/11/20] 4 Years of Alora

Posted by War on 01 November 2020 - 01:15 AM

Awesome! Can't wait to get NOTHING at the drop party. :D Happy 4 Years! <3

#377714 [Draisaitl] Staff Application

Posted by Banks on 22 October 2020 - 07:48 PM


#377537 Feedback October 2020

Posted by Patta on 20 October 2020 - 09:08 AM

Last year I made a suggestion on these transferrable donator ranks. This suggestion was left to be ignored for half a year. Then silently declined. For what reason would it be possible with a 20.000 dollar rank and not 10.000 dollar? And where does this end? Will we have 100K donator ranks in 4 years? And at what cost?


#377511 5000 posts at last, bye forums

Posted by Sheep on 20 October 2020 - 07:21 AM

First to reach 5k posts and complete the Forums Loyalty Program (Right top corner forums).





First h5b8sYE.pnghM4noB9.png in-game.


Items in-game:



It was a pleasure to spam and help out with some reports.

Time to leave forums once and for all! R.I.P. forums :Kappa:





@Diva and @MT got nothing on me. Was a pleasure @Omicron.

#377474 Feedback October 2020

Posted by Kq head on 19 October 2020 - 06:44 PM

I'll try to address all of the points you've proposed as best as I can so that you can see our side of this, as I now have a better insight into yours (and that of numerous other members of the community). Firstly, the Chambers of Xeric rework has certainly been in need of some attention to tie up the last few loose ends with it -- it was a huge update to change the raid from a single layout to a dynamically generated system and there were bound to be bugs, and while a few bugs being present is clearly not the issue here, I would like to apologize for the delay in these fixes being applied to the actual server. I know it is difficult to know exactly what goes on behind the scenes, and all of those bugs are actually already patched up (among a plethora of updates that are waiting to be pushed) but some unexpected IRL circumstances have caused us to push back the update schedule a few times this past month. Some staff members who've helped us beta test this week could also attest to the fact that we do have a sizeable update planned for this week, which you'll also be able to see for yourself shortly. Also, the idea that the Eternal donator rank has somehow slowed down the update schedule is simply incorrect, the Eternal donator rank has only been worked on the past few days, the rest of the month has been spent fixing up CoX and other bugs, as well as adding in a huge amount of new content (Tithe Farm, Mahogany Homes, new RuneLite plugins, a Vote Shop expansion, an in-game Lottery system, and much more). We know that there's no way for you to know that we're working on all of this, which leads me to my next point: communication. With that being said, hopefully you can also sympathize with us and understand that sometimes things happen in our lives that we cannot control.



Let’s go paragraph by paragraph so we make sure not to miss anything.. 

“...all of those bugs are actually already patched up (among a plethora of updates that are waiting to be pushed) but some unexpected IRL circumstances have caused us to push back the update schedule a few times this past month.” 
Why must our playing experience suffer because of delayed bug fixes? You said yourself, all of the bugs are already fixed and ready to be pushed through, but why does this have to take so long? I fully understand new content takes time to develop, but if the bugs are already fixed why not just push them through every week with a weekly reset? Better experience for us, and less bitching coming your way. Weekly resets have been something the players have been asking for for as long as I can remember. Sure, the server doesn’t lag as much as it used to due to longer uptimes, but there are other issues to be dealt with, and this allows bug fixes to be pushed through consistently, keeping the players happy. It doesn’t matter if its 3 bug fixes or 100, every fix helps the server stay on top. 
The issue is not whether or not the new rank has slowed down updates or bug fixes, rather that the rank itself seems very rushed, with little thought as to possible alternatives. Players have been begging you for rank transfers for a long time now, and that isn’t even being considered. But for some reason you are considering a new top tier rank that will allow players another transfer, and it's simply not realistic. You can even see current immortal donators like @S / Seabound showing no interest in having to liquidate their entire bank to obtain this new rank. 

Communication has been an issue for awhile now, as Chad and I scramble to rush updates out (as a 2-person development team) we do sometimes lose sight of the big picture and neglect the communication aspect. It isn't something we intend to do, it simply makes more sense to us to put our time and energy into developing these updates to have a healthy, constant flow of new content and bug fixes, as well as responding to all the PMs that we receive daily and keeping in touch with the higher up staff team to make sure that things are running smoothly. That isn't an excuse, and we have made attempts to change this, such as providing more development blogs, but that has admittedly slowed down as the summer has ended. We understand your concern though, and I really would like to change this by planning out future updates on a stricter schedule with more consistent development blogs.

This communication problem could be solved very easily… delegate work. The staff team wants to help, they are passionate about the server and it’s very obvious. You need to have the trust in your team to let them work for you. You could delegate work on the forums that only you can do, to some of the admins. Let your staff team test and publish development blogs. You can keep saying the same things over and over, but until you trust your team to help you on this journey, it won’t succeed like it could. 

As for the rank, as I mentioned it is something that we've worked on this week and some of you may have noticed the usergroup on the active members list. I'll address a few points here to allow you to understand why we are adding it, and hopefully you'll come out with a different view of the rank. To preface, we have never proposed a previous donator rank. We do sometimes poll updates that affect Alora in a massive way, but donator ranks have not fallen under this category as they have always been a part of Alora. The fact of the matter is that Alora requires income to operate, and without income we would not be able to advertise or provide the development or support that we have for nearly 4 years now. The store, and the donator ranks that go with it have always been a part of Alora. I understand how seeing us working on a new donator rank after a month without updates may leave a bad taste in your mouth, and that goes back to the communication point, because we absolutely never intended to release this rank without the massive update that we've been working on.

The rank seems, simply put, rushed. It seems like a last resort to keep the server alive, when there seem to be other options out there, options that would make the players much happier. 

As you can imagine, after 4 years of uptime (longer than most servers last), store purchases are nowhere near where they were when Alora was first released. This is simply a side effect of having a mature economy -- nobody is purchasing whips from the store anymore, and to be fair custom donations for rank account for most of Alora's income nowadays as people don't need to purchase anything from the store. How can we counter this? Well, we can slowly start adding new over-powered items to the store to entice people more, but I don't think anyone wants to see those sorts of items in the store. Instead, a donator rank that a few will marginally benefit from, but will massively benefit Alora in staying alive as long as we possibly could seems like the best option to us. The way things are at the moment, we'd be forced to start cutting advertisements sometime in the next few months to make sure that Alora isn't losing money. Expenses to operate a private server are not cheap, especially if you care about the longevity of the server and want to ensure that there's a steady influx of new players.

My issue with this isn’t that the rank would be too powerful, rather that it is unnecessary and a ridiculous ask from your players. How do you counter this? Intermediate donor ranks, rank transfers, an updated in-game store.. Shall I go on? How about you ask your staff or your community for help and listen when they tell you their ideas. 

Aside from that, the Eternal rank is simply a prestige rank -- yes, there are a few new perks (such as being able to transfer your rank more regularly) but at the end of the day it isn't anything that threatens the integrity of the game, and ultimately the addition of this rank will do more good than bad as it will allow us to keep providing the best support and content that we possibly can.

Why would anyone in their right mind pay for a prestige rank? You’re basically saying the only thing that this rank would offer is more regular rank transfers.. So why not just offer rank transfers as a custom donation? This would apply to a much larger portion of the community, rather than the 1 person that MIGHT buy this new donor rank. You are flat out admitting that this new rank is a cash grab by saying it’s a prestige rank just so players can give you more money.
It’s time to admit when you’re wrong and own up and make changes. It’s clear that the community is fed up and ready for a change. Stop making excuses as to why things can’t be dealt with appropriately, there are options, you just don’t want to implement them. You don’t want to trust your staff to make all of these things possible, you don’t want to make a legitimate effort to fix these issues. Prove me wrong. 

#377451 Feedback October 2020

Posted by Sheep on 19 October 2020 - 03:09 PM

This thread couldn’t be posted at a better moment. I love this community but frankly I don’t think it will last if it’s going in this direction for any longer. From what I’ve seen people are going elsewhere, lack of forums activity compared to before, etc. There definitely has to be some changes, some points you’ve addressed are valid. Lack of communication, sudden changes like new donator status, veteran color change for this new rank. Personally I don’t mind the new rank and whatsoever. Just the communication is poorly. 

Can’t judge the update delays but this again comes down to communication. 
I don’t want to bash what is going on but I’d like to see a positive change and see it going in a direction so that Alora can live on longer. Sure the donator rank might be a ‘cash grab’ and it will help to sustain the funds for a say a year? Not much use if it ruins the economy and if people keep going elsewhere for these reasons.
Great thread sir.

#377447 Feedback October 2020

Posted by Aritus on 19 October 2020 - 02:55 PM

Time to say something ‘unimportant’ here too.....,

First of all @Kq head you’re a champ to express your feelings about this whole problem. I couldn’t agree more than what you have stated above.

Indeed, what noticed me this morning was the horrible ‘Veteran’ rank color imposter and I was like; What the fuck are you even doing Dan? Is this much more important than fixing up your server that has a bunch of bugs? Is this the part where you don’t give a damn about this server anymore and just want more money for your own goods? Whatever you do is up to you, but this is one of the reasons I have chosen OSRS over Alora. I think that if this keeps going on then many people will follow up leaving this server and find another place where their opinion matters.

Try to release more content polls, try to spend more attention on the small things. I’ve contacted you a month or two ago regarding the Scythe of vitur’s wrong angle. I do understand that the game has other priorities which you have said throughout PMS, but those small things only improves the server to the better one. Once again, this is all up to you.


#377445 Feedback October 2020

Posted by lol Rip on 19 October 2020 - 02:53 PM

Alora has something better than any other server has...the games best attribute is the community.
It must be preserved and empowered, otherwise the whole thing crashes. If you played other servers you can notice the difference in behavior and attitude on the communities..Alora is by far the best community, period.
With that being said, the polls need to be added, this game doesnt need another donator rank at all.
You can slow down the updates, but don't add a donator rank out of nowhere, and most importantly, keep your community updated on things. Make their opinions matter with polls, discussion threads etc.. 
I am certain players wouldn't mind longer update waits if they had a say in them, and if they were updated about it.

ly all

Couldn't have said it better.  Would love to know what Omi is working on during this month long dry spell.  Also, how does everyone know about a new donor rank coming? Where is this info coming from.

Alora has something better than any other server has...the games best attribute is the community.
It must be preserved and empowered, otherwise the whole thing crashes. If you played other servers you can notice the difference in behavior and attitude on the communities..Alora is by far the best community, period.
With that being said, the polls need to be added, this game doesnt need another donator rank at all.
You can slow down the updates, but don't add a donator rank out of nowhere, and most importantly, keep your community updated on things. Make their opinions matter with polls, discussion threads etc.. 
I am certain players wouldn't mind longer update waits if they had a say in them, and if they were updated about it.

ly all

Couldn't have said it better.  Would love to know what Omi is working on during this month long dry spell.  Also, how does everyone know about a new donor rank coming? Where is this info coming from.