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Chad Fatcock

Member Since 27 Nov 2020
Offline Last Active Aug 10 2023 05:07 PM

#434039 Pride 2022

Posted by Slurvish on 22 June 2022 - 08:00 AM

June 2022 is just another month, right? No. I can assure you this month has a lot more meaning to certain players than others. This month is dedicated to the uplifting of the LGBTQ voices, a celebration of LGBTQ culture and the support of LGBTQ rights.
Jagex has recently added a pride event in their game we all know and love. I was hoping we could do the same. Pride is about being proud of who you are and no matter who you love, people need to remember how damaging homophobia was and still is.
Red - The red in the flag represents life. This makes sense if you think about how blood is red and how often blood is thought of as a vital life force of the body. Red also represents passion among many culutures. And, passion is ideally where life originates from.
Orange - Orange represents healing. As a colour, orange is believed to be a fun and celebratory colour. Fun and celebration are both healing activities.
Yellow - If you guessed that yellow represented sunlight, you would be correct. The colour yellow functions as the flag's radiant and bright center. The colour yellow is said to stimulate new ideas and thoughts.
Green - There's a lot of green in nature, which is what this colour on the original pride flag is meant to convey. Nature is a healing place, and the colour green is associated with prosperity and growth.
Blue - The blue in the original pride flag was for serenity. Little is more important than the ability to feel calm and serene. Blue is known as a relaxing colour that soothes the soul. The colour blue is often used for nighttime consumer products to represent bedtime and calmness.
Purple - The last colour, purple, represents spirit. Purple is often thought of as a regal, royal colour that on its own, denotes pride. Like blue, purple is considered a calming colour, but rather than being associated only with calm, the colour purple connects us to the spiritual realm.
I will leave you with possibly the most beautiful quote I've ever heard in my life from a very close friend of mine..


No person is your friend who demands your silence or denies your right to grow - @5 aka @6 aka @H


#423623 Aftermath - PvM/Skilling - All Game Modes

Posted by gim crohn on 01 February 2022 - 04:45 AM

I. What is/are your IGN(s)? [please include all ALT accounts]
Gim Crohn

Iron Crohn


idk the restt


II. Which Game Mode(s) do you play?
GIM/Normie (same thing amirite?)


III. What is your Discord ID?



IV. What is your game-time(Provide screenshot)?


V. What is your total Boss Kill count?


VI. How did you find out about us?
A coordinated effort to get me to join