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fancy bear

Member Since 07 Dec 2020
Offline Last Active Apr 18 2021 03:10 PM

Topics I've Started

Wiki Love - Is It Worth It?

08 December 2020 - 01:31 PM

Hey all,


I noticed that the Wiki is basically dead content IMO. Is there any reason that it's this way? I.E was it once filled, but its getting ready to be removed?


If there is value in documenting items in the Wiki count me in! I can start working on it as I see fit.. but will let the community decide.


Should I start documenting and updating the Wiki with guides for skills and such?

Unified Handle! "n cnfsd"

07 December 2020 - 07:23 PM

Hello everyone,


I've been playing for about a week now but decided to jump on the forums. I've created a new handle that I will continue to go by and this will act as my main account for the community. I am not sure if my other HCIM death will be overruled, as I died in a safe event (Zolcano,) and the game mechanics called it a non-safe zone. Either way, I wanted to create an alt HCIM to play until I figure out what is going on with that account.


My initial goals on this account are to:


Get 90 hunter - I've really never trained that skill before


While maxing my other account "sbr n cnfsd"