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Jack the Axe

Member Since 13 Feb 2021
Offline Last Active Mar 19 2022 12:45 PM

#425786 ICE [Ironman/Classic/Elite] PVM/PVP/SKILLING

Posted by Jack the Axe on 04 March 2022 - 08:31 PM

Account Name (IGN) - NiceTry

Discord Tag (Name#0000) -

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Friendly



Name of the player who recruited you? (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY!) - N/A

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) - N/A

What rank are you applying for? - Recruit

What are your strengths? - PvM

What are your weaknesses? - Don't type

In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - HCIM event

#391304 Wines of zammy

Posted by Jack the Axe on 06 March 2021 - 11:55 AM

Support, but want to try and help before this is added to the game. How I maintain a decent amount of wines of zamorak:


Great Nechryaels: Drop noted wine of zamorak (3); extended this task and barraging @ kourend can give a sufficient 20-30 wines.

Brimstone Keys: It is on the drop table of brimstone keys, and I believe it ranges from 40-60 when it hits. 

Kalphite Queen: Common Drop table, 60 noted. 



A less tedious IM grind (No tele grab required):


Zamorak grapes: Allowed to be grown in Hosidius vinery w/ Bologa's blessing. Mix with jug of water. (DONT KNOW IF THIS IS IN THE GAME)

Bologa blessing is a reward from Tithe Farm.

Support, but want to try and help before this is added to the game. How I maintain a decent amount of wines of zamorak:


Great Nechryaels: Drop noted wine of zamorak (3); extended this task and barraging @ kourend can give a sufficient 20-30 wines.

Brimstone Keys: It is on the drop table of brimstone keys, and I believe it ranges from 40-60 when it hits. 

Kalphite Queen: Common Drop table, 60 noted. 



A less tedious IM grind (No tele grab required):


Zamorak grapes: Allowed to be grown in Hosidius vinery w/ Bologa's blessing. Mix with jug of water. (DONT KNOW IF THIS IS IN THE GAME)

Bologa blessing is a reward from Tithe Farm.