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Member Since 21 Feb 2021
Offline Last Active Oct 02 2022 06:06 PM

Topics I've Started

Rune defender --> Dragon Defender problem

27 February 2021 - 04:32 PM

Hey everyone! 


So I was farming for a Dragon defender at warriors guild. And I had a rune defender in my inventory but when I was killing the cyclopses upstairs they dropped a second rune defender instead of up-teiring to dragon defender. 


Is there a reason why this happened to me or is this a bug ? 


Mr. Specter

Master clue Scroll bug

22 February 2021 - 08:50 PM

So I have this bug that is happening with my master clue scroll. I had to go to Edgeville Monastary and talk to Abbot. Abbot then gave me a puzzle, which I completed and gave back, but then he gives me another exact same puzzle.  I complete the next puzzle then give it back, and the same thing happened. So I tried to log out then log back in but the endless puzzle loop keeps on happening. Can someone help me with this problem ? Or solve it? 


Warm Regards,

Mr. Specter