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Member Since 26 Apr 2021
Offline Last Active Sep 17 2021 01:40 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Is there any boss that is a steady stream of gp instead of waiting for one bi...

19 June 2021 - 11:37 AM

You can make money doing the following:


Cerb - Drops are from 15-35M on average (crystals/stone)

Bandos - Drops are from 25-35M on average

Raids1 - Most uniques are from 20-60M, with some being 90-160m, and TBOW 2B.


etc, just depends on what you want to grind/enjoy.

Thanks for the info mate. But that's exactly what I mean, each of those drops is like one in a hundred+ kills. Is there any boss where there's an almost guaranteed drop like every 10 kills? So you make much less from each drop but the drops are more often.



Ahrims and karils sell fairly decent for good price + alch + runes + random items.


Vorkath also has a very good drop table (Dragon bolts are like 2m/drop) and it has again good alch drops + pure gps.


Hydra same as the above + it has potential to drop a big item.

Cool beans, thank you!

In Topic: [Serious] What does OSRS have that Alora doesn't?

12 May 2021 - 12:14 PM

You touch on a good point @ano2021


That's part of the reason why I enjoy realism so much.


2x osrs -> more like 10x (vote bxp / event bxp / wildy bxp / SOTD bxp / weekend bxp / well / reduced banking time)


no bots -> no financial gain to bot like in OSRS


questing/planning -> diaries and quests unlock content/better xp rates, so players still need to plan


small community eco -> feels like an open gim group with the trading post as group bank with withdrawal fee (separate from normie)


meaningful grinds -> certain items have yet to be obtained (dragon full helm / dragon platebody / dragon kiteshield / orbs)


limited skilling supplies -> can't buy uncuts from NPC to get 99 crafting 



Great points mate. Never thought I'd genuinely think that a rsps could be better than real runescape. But it's true, it's ridiculous just how unpleasant runescape is when you're slightly older. It's mind-boggling how people put up with all that inane grind.