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Never Dry

Member Since 24 May 2021
Previous Username: trading gim
Offline Last Active Nov 30 2021 10:14 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Pie boosts

01 November 2021 - 12:02 PM

It wouldn't hurt my game play and it isn't too op, so why not, support

In Topic: Barrows Shop (Old Man on the hill)

18 October 2021 - 08:54 AM

No support, getting loads of dupes while trying to get that one item you actually need is just part of playing a self-sufficient mode.

This isn't allowing you to choose which set you get nor is it selling items separately, it's only allowing you to trade in your dupes for points to gamble on another set, or buy bolt racks.

In Topic: QoL Raids Suggestion

15 October 2021 - 01:09 PM

This may be hard to do especially when it comes to duplicate drops! But I have no idea with coding so I’ll stop there.

This is an absolute fantastic idea.

Support from me!

I'd think if this happens it should only show the first kc on the first drop not for dupes

In Topic: Barrows Shop (Old Man on the hill)

15 October 2021 - 11:33 AM

Currently it takes 15k barrows points for a full set (4 pieces), meaning each piece is 'worth' 3,750 points. I don't see an issue with trading in barrows equip for a random set, but maybe make it only for ironmen at a rate of 1,200 points per piece traded in. I think for regular accounts they could just buy something dirt cheap (lets say torags hammers) for 1/10th the price and trade it in for chances of full dh/karils/ahrims for example that's worth more and we wouldn't want that to be a negative impact to the economy.


If this is considered then you have my full support.

In Topic: Rubber Chicken Whack

14 October 2021 - 06:33 PM

I would say ONLY support IF you cannot do this in the wilderness. Not looking forward to skull trickers getting more ammunition in their arsenals