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Member Since 20 Oct 2021
Offline Last Active Oct 22 2021 10:02 AM

Topics I've Started

Staff team

21 October 2021 - 01:52 PM

What is your suggestion?: Either get a better staff team or at least try to do something

Is this in OSRS?: No...

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: Not that I have experienced...

How would this benefit Alora?: In problems like what happend to me...


So basically what happend was for this couple years I haven't played Alora AT ALLLLLL I was playing other private servers and w.e I was feeling because my friends that played Alora at the time left so I kinda lost motivation,

few days ago I started playing again because a friend of mine told me would be quite fun to play ironman with me (we started as gim but xp rates way to low for us so we changed to reg im) and we played normally,

found out eventually that the account I used to play on as a main got banned, and ofc I was confused because I never did anything harmful to anyone or rwted or w.e you may have to do to get banned.

So I applied to get the account back and whatever and got denied and I accepted it because well I wasn't going to play on it anyways was just more to get it back in general.

1 or 2 days have passed and when I was playing (yesterday) I suddently logged out and found out that not only the ironman I was playing on, but both my normie and classic accounts got banned, ofc I was shocked because

I did nothing harmful to anyone in this game EVER so ofc I applied to get my accounts back.

Not only got ignored for almost 24h until Classic replied to my messages, I got the application denied and told me I was hacking players few months ago when I wasn't even thinking about playing Alora again!

And all this without showing any proof that I did hack someone or tracking my logs or ips or whatever staff team manage to find out that kinda of stuff.


Now what I want to mean by all this is that, probably there has been people like me in similar situations like this that they didn't do nothing like me (I don't know shit about coding or anything that's why I was even more perplexed XD)

and ofc me and those people can't do anything about it because the staff team not only ignored me, they didn't put any effort into looking in my perspective to see if I actually did something or not!

I know that I didn't do anything wrong because as I said I don't even know shit about coding/programing or stuff like that I just game '-' .


Most likely even if the accounts got recovered I wouldn't play just from how bad I was treated when im innocent.


For all future and current Alora players, good luck.