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Member Since 18 Dec 2022
Offline Last Active Feb 02 2023 08:21 PM

#448656 W2 Fresh Start World

Posted by Kimber on 21 December 2022 - 06:00 PM

The long term solution would be a cycle of fresh start. When the fresh start world eco becomes stale like the current world you merge worlds (this will not crash eco on main world because those items would have been obtained by players on the current world anyways if the new world didnt exist..) and then start a new fresh world. Think of it like a "seasonal" world. Start over, play for X amount of months push highscores (keep highscores on forums or something ex: Season 1: and show top 100 players or something...) then get merged with normal world and then season 2 starts.



In my eyes that just compounds the problem. At that point the 'main game' becomes more of a standby or just a show of what a collection/cash stack you've earned because the problem still hasn't been dealt with. That's where my concern of splitting the community lies. You can't just keep throwing more and more into the game regardless of where it comes from and expect it to not have some effect without having a solution to prevent it from happening in the first place. The problem is created by not having enough items completely leaving the game and/or not having the volume of people needed to keep the demand at a reasonable level. Don't get me wrong, I still think a fresh start world could be a blast, but it's got to be done right and any effects that it would have on the main game seriously need to be looked at in detail. Without some kind of a change it's just going to get worse.


If it's going to be merged it doesn't matter what world they got it on, it still comes into the main game world, yeah it might not crash the economy right away, but how in any way does that solve the problem that got the server to this point in the first place? It doesn't because it was never actually taken care of, just kind of pushed under the rug. Again, even something like a 'seasonal' fresh start could be a blast! But with a 'merge' it still doesn't solve the problem that we have on the main game and only goes further to devalue the items that already exist on the main game. 

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#448652 W2 Fresh Start World

Posted by Kimber on 21 December 2022 - 05:21 PM

I think more incentives or a system to 'burn' items would be more beneficial, not only cost wise but also when you consider splitting the community. Not saying I'm totally against it, but I honestly think a second permanent world could be used for far better things rather than a fresh clone of what we already have. It seems pointless to just add a fresh world without having a long-term solution to prevent it from getting to the point we've already reached and for that reason alone my vote would be no. 

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#448604 Thank you to all players on server

Posted by Kimber on 20 December 2022 - 10:11 PM

My experience has been the same although for different reasons. It really is a cool experience sometimes on how wholesome a community can be in actually creating that relaxing 'escape' environment. Have a Merry Christmas and as others have said, keep your head up. It gets better eventually even when it never seems like it's going to. I was diagnosed recently with a disease that has no cure and the treatments are god-awful expensive, after escaping from constant doctors appointments I decided to make a return with this Ironman. If you ever need to talk, our situations might not be the same, but I understand the need to just chat about absolutely nothing or dive into a task that takes the focus to the game. My clicks are absolutely atrocious, but I plan on getting into PVM as soon as I get my stats and gear.