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Member Since 17 Jan 2023
Offline Last Active Jul 27 2023 02:32 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Paragon - PvM/PvP/Skilling - All Game Modes

02 March 2023 - 08:00 AM

Discord Tag:DivineMomentsOfTruth#1524
Game Mode:Ironman
Playtime:11 days 13 hours
Proof of Combat/Skills:Im Maxed
Do you agree to all of Paragon & Alora's Official Rules?:Yes
Reason for applying to Paragon?:I want to do high tier pvm with other like minded people
Referred by a Clan Member (Who?):305 suggested me to join

In Topic: [Suggestion] Wintertodt

18 February 2023 - 04:43 PM

Great idea.Definetely should lower the damage u get so maxed people can play wintertodt also in a relaxing way.

Thanks for this.

In Topic: Aftermath - PvM/Skilling - All Game Modes

04 February 2023 - 01:48 PM

Hello i would love to join my ign is mescaline and im an ironman.Pretty close to max but just starting my pvm journey and would love to play with likeminded people. I have been playing osrs/rsps for like 10 years so my ingame knowledge is great and if i can be of any help im always willing. andrewfl reccomended me to apply



I. What is/are your IGN(s)? [please include all ALT accounts]Diiler ( Group ironman)


II. Which Game Mode(s) do you play?Ironman


III. What is your Discord ID? DivineMomentsOfTruth#1524


IV. What is your game-time?4 days 13hrs 37mins


V. What is your total Boss Kill count? 652


VI. How did you find out about us? Andrewfl suggested me to join