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Member Since 13 Apr 2023
Offline Last Active Apr 17 2023 07:22 PM

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In Topic: Hardcore Ironmen

13 April 2023 - 05:12 PM

Yes. Personally, in OSRS and the couple servers that I've tried, I always play as a Hardcore or some version of one. The reason why is for challenging myself and my abilities. Plus, I like having the finality of death. A GAME OVER if you will. So, if I die on a Hardcore, no matter the reason (including getting pked cause I spend too much time in the Wilderness haha) I don't log back into that account. Anyway, I personally feel that some things that are labeled as safe deaths, when they are UNSAFE deaths in OSRS, takes some of the challenge and fun out of being a Hardcore iron. 

*shrugs* This is my opinion. -sorry for the small rant-


I'd like to delete this post because I was dumb, but I'll leave it here. I agree with Nurse Lilith as well. I'm new okay, don't hate me.