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GIM Goharu

Member Since 22 Jun 2023
Offline Last Active Apr 11 2024 07:34 PM

#471318 TOB scaling

Posted by gim crohn on 27 October 2023 - 01:35 PM

@Mack Incorrect, you're making personal attacks I'm questioning the motivating factors behind someone's opinion. We're all self interested that's not a personal attack, it's just a logical analysis of the situation and the parties within.

Again, you're the one missing the point. Making the scaling more friendly at NM WILL increase overall completions statistically speaking it's impossible for a lower barrier to complete to result in less completions directly.

You previously opposed ToB drop rate changes, are largely responsible for the major overhaul of ToB and created a discord group to profit off the difficulty people have in completing ToB (for diaries), ToB achievements, etc.

You fail to offer any recourse for new and less experienced players other than an entry mode that has highly reduced if not entirely eliminated drop rates.

I question what is it about new players, or those less skilled or with less gear being able to duo ToB that hurts the game overall to such a degree that it outweighs the sad sad state that ToB is in now?

Scythes dropped in price by 2x and no change to ToB activity caused that, most items in TP don't sell anyways bc of a lack of demand (less new players, and people doing ToB where those items are most useful).

What harm does it cause players to have to redo speedruns

@Mack Incorrect, you're making personal attacks I'm questioning the motivating factors behind someone's opinion. We're all self interested that's not a personal attack, it's just a logical analysis of the situation and the parties within.

Again, you're the one missing the point. Making the scaling more friendly at NM WILL increase overall completions statistically speaking it's impossible for a lower barrier to complete to result in less completions directly.

You previously opposed ToB drop rate changes, are largely responsible for the major overhaul of ToB and created a discord group to profit off the difficulty people have in completing ToB (for diaries), ToB achievements, etc.

You fail to offer any recourse for new and less experienced players other than an entry mode that has highly reduced if not entirely eliminated drop rates.

I question what is it about new players, or those less skilled or with less gear being able to duo ToB that hurts the game overall to such a degree that it outweighs the sad sad state that ToB is in now?

Scythes dropped in price by 2x and no change to ToB activity caused that, most items in TP don't sell anyways bc of a lack of demand (less new players, and people doing ToB where those items are most useful).

What harm does it cause other than make players to have to redo speedruns

#471317 TOB scaling

Posted by The Inferno on 27 October 2023 - 01:32 PM

TOB isn't the hardest content in the game, PvP is


Also the people saying no to this suggestion don't even do duos lmao, they do 4-5 man raids with boosting service, so I don't see what the issue is here? We're not asking 3-5 man TOB to be easier

#471316 TOB scaling

Posted by Heavenfall on 27 October 2023 - 01:24 PM

lmaoo Mack on a personal mission right here to fuck 98% of the Alora players, why should we cater to the wishes off one individual. If u want to sweat and 2 tick TOB by all means go play OS.

#471302 TOB scaling

Posted by gim crohn on 27 October 2023 - 11:47 AM

10000% support on this. ToB has been dead content for a long time and the idea that players should just "get better" isn't really helpful when the opportunity for learning isn't the same as it was in the past. Nowadays if someone wants to learn there is nearly 0 chance of finding a team even at peak times, on bonuses the players who do ToB are less likely to take learners as well.

I think lowering not necessarily the raid difficulty overall but scaling - would help achieve this. (I would also support making the raid easier though, that's a different topic). This coming from a Comp'd GIM whos only remaining (reasonable) end game grind is ToB.

I'd also like to take a second to acknowledge that there seems to be an organized effort to vote down this suggestion even though the majority of the community seems to support it.

Some of those who do in fact own/are a part of an organized group that SELLS access to both ToB runs, achievements, AND learning. Wouldn't they have a vested interest in this not passing as they operate an in-game business that benefits from restricted access to ToB?

#455251 How a Penguin ended up in Port Sarim Jail

Posted by gim crohn on 13 March 2023 - 03:34 PM

This has 4 layers of cringe and allow me to elaborate


  1. Cringe from Player Staff Team in general, as this was likely voted on and I PERSONALLY know multiple of you who've used this safespot specifically in instances with your mates. Yes, Alan may be viewed as a dislikable person for many reasons but the hypocrisy is wild. Also muting him for being annoying (which yes you probably were being annoying Alan) to staff is just pathetic. Police shouldn't have the right in a game or in real life to just use their powers to circumvent or punish someone for someone being annoying or rude to them - that's their job. 
  2. Cringe from Developers for having multiple updates pass and not fixing this. I'm certain this has been reported and if it hasn't as it's breaking game rules and is punishable staff should be responsible for reporting and seeing to it getting fixed not the players who are liable to be punished for using it because then it becomes a game of "oh I was just testing it to get video/photo evidence to post the bug report" and no staff member could prove otherwise. 
  3. Cringe from @To gain for specifically allowing it then punishing him for doing it without so much as a warning (now this one is tentative because it's possible he warned him and Alan is leaving this out.)
  4. Cringe from @Real Alan for having so much goddamn free time that he's able to make this long of a post about a penguin in jail (and muted) for using a safepot. Personally I would have just laughed and said what I always do - Fuck this game and log out.