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Member Since 28 Feb 2017
Offline Last Active Jan 30 2023 07:01 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Donor rank suggestions - Let's brainstorm together!

07 March 2017 - 10:37 AM


  • Vote book experience timer increased by 25% (as you said)
  • 35% bonus experience from well of goodwill instead of 30%
  • Option to "favorite" tasks for slayer, so they are significantly more common.
  • Option to rename pets given a set list of names.
  • Your herbs, allotments, and trees never die or become diseased.


  • All additional legendary benefits.
  • You are allowed to change your name once a month.
  • Farming timers for all growing cut by 1/3 to be 33% faster.
  • You have a 2% increased drop rate on all rare items on the server.
  • Prayer and stamina drain slower for you.
  • No yell timer.
  • Access to instanced Godwars Dungeon bosses.
  • Vote points from books increased to 30 points.


God (5k+):

  • All additional Uber benefits.
  • You can change your name weekly.
  • Your drop rate is increased by 4% on all rare drops on the server.
  • Access to beta servers and staff forums.
  • Reclaim untradeables free of charge.
  • Insure pets free of charge.
  • Vote book timer increased to 2 hours.
  • Bonus from well of goodwill increased to 40%.
  • Ability to set a custom [Yell] title.
  • 25% chance to receive 2 firecapes from Jad.


Just some ideas. They may seem OP - but so is donating 750, 2,500 dollars or 5K respectively.



In Topic: Add Ironmen to normal Highscores (and add rankings in skills)

07 March 2017 - 09:40 AM

Fixing this stuff will have to deal with MySQL - I'm not sure Omicron knows how to code in that language or if he does, it's not a top priority right now.


However, I do completely support a highscore fixing/rework, it would be nice to have.



In Topic: March - The Month Ahead (communicating updates)

02 March 2017 - 11:54 AM

I wholeheartedly agree with this.


Dev blogs are important - they keep players who currently play in the loop, and show newer players that the server is developing and isn't at a stand still. For myself, I'm relatively new - but what drew me into the server was the finalized-product feel I got. This server has tons of bosses - and RAIDS. That's huge.


The only downside I've seen so far is no construction.


Anyway, to the point - I agree. I feel like keeping the server posted on developments of the servers are of utmost importance. It keeps players excited and new people coming in when they see a server is changing and willing to evolve. If updates are pushed back, provide a reason why. Maybe it's more testing or complications that arose. Regardless, I find this completely necessary and I think most successful servers have a topic of this sort and I'd love to see a weekly Dev blog here from Omicron.


Alongside keeping us posted, this allows for us players to offer feedback and suggestions which Omicron would likely find benefitial himself. Ultimately, a private server's existence is up to the pleasing of the players, so it goes both ways.


Tl;dr - I agree with everything you said.


