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Member Since 11 Oct 2023
Offline Last Active Nov 22 2023 12:14 AM

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In Topic: Add Kourend Town Teleport(s)

17 October 2023 - 07:40 PM

Support. There's no harm with allowing teleports to the Zeah cities when we have teleports for pretty much everything else in-game already. 

On the topic of teleports, we should probably add Rellekka to city teleports and Amethyst to skilling teleports too.

Good idea. Those would be quite useful/convenient additions.

+Support to Rellekka and Amethyst :D

In Topic: Add Kourend Town Teleport(s)

13 October 2023 - 01:29 AM

No Support

As Logan said, there already exists a wide range of teleportation methods you can unlock to get around - ranging from kharedst Memoirs, minigame teleports, house portal, farming blessing, spirit trees and Xeric’s Talisman.

I believe the issues isn’t lack of teleports at Tele Wiz, though more the awareness of ways to teleport around in Alora. Which could be solved if someone put the time in for a ‘Teleportation Guide’ in the Guides section for example.

Sure, that's that, but there's also 0 "Cities" teleports to any of the Kourend cities. Just saying, having at least one is only pros with no cons. The feature to set your spawn to different locations is great, but having more options would be even greater.