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Member Since 12 Nov 2016
Offline Last Active Feb 16 2019 04:16 PM

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Creating a utility bot.

15 November 2016 - 06:33 PM

Hey, on a past RSPS I played I made a bot that sold ::yells for gold, and worked as a mail system for players. (Would PM you when you log in what messages people send for you) and a few other things.


Eventually since I wanted to move it to a web based system for a better UI for players to interact with the bot that server BANNED. Me because I was "Logging players IP address" because yes, obviously if they connect to a httpd I own they are logged, but despite open sourcing it all in private to the owner he still was too retarded to understand any technical jargain and kept me banned.


Would this be something players are interested in having here? Would staff even allow such a thing here?


Again, it would just be a blank level 3 that stays logged in and interfaces with a web panel to provide utility such as ::Yell service (I'd throw donor on it to get ::yell obviously), and offline messaging / other things people request.




edit: for those who wonder, the bot it's self is coded in C# while the web interface that talks to the bot is PHP