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Member Since 04 Nov 2016
Offline Last Active Oct 26 2021 07:26 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Loot from 101 Cerberus

07 December 2016 - 08:27 PM

And you give me shit about my rng lmao

In Topic: Maxed In-Game Icon

07 December 2016 - 04:06 PM

No support. Maxing is too easy to warrant this IMO.

I agree with what Otto said, maxing is way too easy and this would be a waste of dev time until everything else is fixed.

In Topic: Yell

06 November 2016 - 06:22 PM

I can see why it's set high, I mean all in all it's not designed for discussions. It's designed to get a quick message out. Otherwise people would be messaging through the ::yell command on the regular. 


I'd like to see it stay as is, and instead encourage people to continue adding as friends/clans. 

What he said.