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Member Since 08 May 2017
Offline Last Active Jun 18 2017 03:56 PM

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In Topic: Make pking active again

21 May 2017 - 12:48 PM

For myself, and I'm sure others across the web, it's simply that post-2005 pking has been a downhill slope. The advent of 1h crossbows (bronze-rune) was definitely, in my firm opinion as a lifetime rs player, where it all started drooping. Another month passed, and we had Lunars. These were both very, very detrimental to pking in general, as they made it far more about micromanagement and rcb started allowing for some very, very broken weapon swaps and game tick abuse.

The game, if you're wondering, was absolutely NOT Meleescape prior to those updates. However, the highest damage output was most certainly Melee. The trade-off for using Mage/Range was the utility. Back in 2005, and even through the spring of 2006, Karil's Crossbow and Crystal Bow were not only actually used, but quite fearsome. They were usually used in FC builds with Ice Ancients spells. It wasn't considered unfair to farcast back then, as it often is now, because it was seen as a handicap to make up for lackluster damage output.

Anyway. On the topic of our server. My solution is pretty simple. Employ a system that disallows all content from June 2006 forward in the wilderness. The remarkable balance resulting from that would surely bring a healthier competitive atmosphere and thereupon more people pking. I know I definitely would.