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Member Since 27 May 2017
Offline Last Active Apr 22 2018 03:55 AM

#101962 Points Should Matter in Raids it's only fait

Posted by NievesEly on 23 July 2017 - 04:26 AM

Hello Fellow Alora players,

Nievesely here and I think that higher points in raids should increase rare drop chance.

This is because im currently on a 51 dry streak with 0 rare drops. Normally I get 3-6k points per raid and contribute alot. However, many people seem to die alot in raids and get hardly any points but still get rare drops. I think this is unfair because they put in alot less effort and did alot less for the team.

Higher points should increase the chance of a drop because you're more deserving of it because you put in more work. It doesnt have to be a significant increase say 5% per thousand because everyone seems to get drops 1 in 20 raids on average whereas I get nothing for the work I put in.



Thank you for listening guys leave 


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