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Member Since 24 Dec 2017
Offline Last Active Oct 16 2021 01:04 PM

#176524 Infinite Bank Space

Posted by AKM on 09 April 2018 - 01:24 AM

I'm sure this has been suggested somewhere. Just probably couldn't find it. 


I would like for us to have INFINITE BANK SPACES. I don't see a scenario in which having endless bank spaces would be a negative, nor do I think it would be too hard to implement (though I know nothing about coding). It's pretty bad when I'm nowhere near end game and my bank is already full. Most of you may say that I'm simply hoarding random items, and I wouldn't argue with you on that. But knowing that I'm close to not being able to store anything else in my bank concerns me. Having infinite bank spaces would help collectors as well as keep banks ever growing. I'd definitely want to see the banks of other players that are just filled with insane amounts of items ^_^


best regards, 






Dire Bank Space Situation ^

#172524 Shayzien Set and Achievement Store

Posted by AKM on 22 March 2018 - 04:57 PM



So recently, Shayzien armour has been given a use and is very important for killing Lizardman Shamans. This is fine and all, but I have a bit of a concern, and I don't know if it has already been brought up or not. The Shayzien set costs 300 achievement points. Prior to this last update, it technically had "no use", rendering it ( at the time ) a "cosmetic". Knowing this, I went out and bought other things in the achievement store instead of Shayzien ( i.e. Bonesack, Pyromancer set ). Problem is, I currently am not able to get the Shayzien set anymore with the current total achievement points I am still able to receive. I just would like to know if there was possibly a way we could still get the set or if it's hopeless now? I certainly can't be the only person who used up most of their achievement points on things that aren't the Shayzien set. Please let me know as soon as possible if anything can be done. Thanks.

#168941 Dutchie's QoL suggestions

Posted by AKM on 07 March 2018 - 07:02 PM

I agree and support all of these suggestions. While they are mostly QoL updates, they're still great additions and would make for improved gameplay. I especially would like to see the Zulrah/Cerb Tele, Bones to Peaches/House Tabs, and the removal of insignificant drops in the News Feed.


On the topic of QoL suggestions, I'd like to see us have the option of pressing "1, 2, 3, and 4" to answer dialogues, like say Wilderness Warning, Slayer Master Dialogue, Mac Dialogue, Rub Tele (Glory/Ring of Dueling), etc.

#155381 Kills Mechanic Implementation For Extreme Slayer

Posted by AKM on 25 January 2018 - 01:49 AM

I think this would be a very good addition to Slayer. Trying to camp a specific boss for a specific drop can be frustrating when it takes you 10 minutes to get that task, then only having to kill 5 for the task. 50-100(Maybe 150) for Hard tasks is reasonable and 5-50 would be amazing for Extreme tasks. It would save time, and wouldn't be abusing the Slayer Streak system. Make it happen :)